Chapter 8. Hidden

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After reassuring himself this was merely an absurd dream and checking that the corridor was empty, Gakupo dragged Gumi's stone-cold body and hid it in a room where nobody would check. The med room. The room Gakupo unlocked when Luka was with him. It was perfect, nobody would look there.

I'm not the wolf. It's alright because it was Gumi. She's been taken care of. We will be okay. The wolf is dead. I'm not the wolf... Gakupo slowly repeated this to himself, desperately trying not to succumb to insanity. His breathing was uneven, audible and echoing in the empty corridors.

He dumped her body in the corner of the room and covered it with a bed-sheet he found in one of the cupboards. 

Panting, he listened hard to hear if anyone was coming. Silence. He exhaled slowly as he realized he was safe. 

"What's this...?" He found a door to his left. The bluish glow coming from underneath the door suggested there was a light of some sort. There was no scanner either, meaning he didn't have to use a barcode to get in. 

He pushed open the door to reveal a set of computer screens, all linked to different surveillance cameras. One showed Meiko and SeeU hiding in one of the rooms, another Neru's room, and another the bathroom. He looked hard at each video, but couldn't find either Rin, Len or Kaito.

He sat down on the chair. "Maybe this is how Gumi knew where we were at every moment? I should tell Kaito-kun about this." He switched cameras to the one just outside the med room. 

"What?!" He caught a glimpse of a rabbit mask and an axe entering.

He entered the surveillance room, clapping his hands. The voice that spoke was muffled. "Well done, Kamui-san. This is exactly how I know where everyone is. But..." He knocked Gakupo to the ground and hacked off his leg just above his knee. The purple-haired boy howled in pain as he attempted to shuffle away, clutching the bloody stump he was left with.

"You were wrong about one thing. Gumi-san wasn't the wolf." 

Chop! And so went another leg and another scream.

"I am." The wolf removed his mask to reveal his true identity. 

Chop! And so went Kamui Gakupo's head...

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