Chapter 11. Ending

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"We should go. The sooner we call the cops the better." Meiko whispered to the others, opening the door Kaito unlocked earlier. "C'mon, SeeU, we'll be okay now." She forced a reassuring smile.

Kaito scanned his barcode. No effect. "Huh?! How come?!" He turned to the girls, strating to panic.

"I try." SeeU offered, scanning her own barcode on the box. Hers too was ineffective.

"What if you need a specific barcode for this one?" Meiko asked. 

"The others are dead, maybe you can suggest how we'll get them?" Kaito snapped sarcastically. 

"I'm sorry, I'm just trying to help! You're not the only one stuck here, you know!"

"Guys!" Rin intervened before an argument could break out. "I haven't used my one yet. It could be that you two have used your barcodes already." Rin lifted her shirt to scan the barcode on her stomach. 

Beep! "See?" Rin smiled meekly at them, before hearing Meiko scream in pain.

She fell forwards into SeeU, who caught her before they both hit the ground. SeeU looked down at her own blouse to find it drenched in blood. Noticing Meiko had the tip of a knife sticking out of her front, she called out.

"Oppa! Look out!!

Kaito had narrowly avoided being decapitated by Len's axe. Len threw his weapon aside and manically took out a gun. 

"I'll kill you -- all of you." He staggered to the side, bleeding from both his shoulder and his stomach. He pulled back the pistol's hammer and pointed it towards Kaito. Rin took a few steps towards him.

"LEN, DON'T --!!


It was a similar sound to a coconut being halved by a cleaver. SeeU lowered her hands from the axe's handle and collapsed at Meiko's side. "Saekki. WAE JUG YEOSSJYO?!" She spat with venom, tears streaming down her cheeks. "This is what you deserve. Hyeom-oseuleowoyo. You disgust me." 

(Translation notes: "Bastard. HOW CAN YOU DO THIS?! <This is what you deserve> It's disgusting. <You disgust me>")

He stared at the Korean girl on the floor, realizing she was nowhere near as innocent as he thought she was at first. Len faltered and fell sideways, only for blood to seep from the back of his skull and settle in a glistening, red halo around his head.

Rin removed the axe, flinching as the blade came undone from his skull, and dropped it next to her twin's body. 

"Urgh..." Meiko winced as she attempted to locate the handle of the blade in her back. "H-hey, listen." She swallowed and smiled.

"Be good, okay? Look after...Rin and Kaito for me." She reached up to hold SeeU's face in her hands, brushing away her tears. "Shhh... Don't cry. It'll be okay, I promise... Like I said, we're safe now." SeeU forced a smile. "I'm sorry I got pissed off earlier..." She shot an embarrassed glance in Kaito's direction. 

Meiko quickly changed topic.

"Remember when we were all at the teahouse? That was the most fun I ever had... I wish I could stay there forever. I wish I'd known you and... Rin a little better... You seem... like really nice girls. If I could go back... I would stay at the teahouse... with you guys..." She trailed off, smiling weakly as she took her last breath.

"Unni...Please don't go... Meiko..." SeeU sobbed as she clutched Meiko lifeless body, holding her head to her chest. Kaito kneeled down beside SeeU, slipping his own hand into Meiko's and pressing her hand to his lips. "Meiko, please... Don't go..."

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