Chapter 1

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"Sydney!!! We got to go!!!" I heard my older sister by 4 years say as she tried to wake me up. "No Bella, it's too early to be alive!!!" I screamed, "it's 10:00!?!" She screamed as she had success pulling me out of bed. "Get dressed" she said right before she caught me. After I got dressed in my warmest clothes, I went downstairs where mom was cooking and Phil was standing beside her holding the much too used fire extinguisher with a worried look on his face. "Mom! Why are you cooking!?!" I screamed worried that my childhood home would burst into flames. "I want to cook your last meal in Phoenix before you go to Forks" she said as she put a plate of bacon and eggs on the table and I worriedly sat down and looking at the plate. I ate it and mom, Phil, Bella and I went to the airport and said goodbye to mom and Phil. When we got off the plane Bella and I stumbled into Charlie's arms where he immediately caught and steadied us. "Sydney, Bells, it's good to see you" Charlie said "hey dad" I said while we got into the car. "Hey Bella, I found a car for you, really cheap" Charlie said, they then started talking about the car until I spoke up "when will you get me a car?" I asked "when your 16 not 13" he said "but I'm a high school junior!!!" I screamed "just because you skipped a couple of grades Sydney doesn't mean you get your driver's license early" dad said looking into the rearveiw mirror. The next day at school people came up to me and Bella. I am very small for my age, I admit that once a 5 year old picked me up. "Hi, I'm Eric, the eyes and ears of this place, you must be Isabella and Sydney Swan" Eric said "it just Bella" Bella said "nice to meet you, I'm on the school newspaper and your news baby, front page" he said "oh, no we're not, please don't" I said "okay, relax, no feature" Bella and I sighed in relief "well Sydney, I have to right a feature on a 13 year old junior in high school" he said right before he took my picture and smiled. I heard Bella laughing "good luck with that" Bella said patting my shoulder and walking away. After a few dozen questions from Eric I went to English, it was there that I saw my future brother in law, as soon as some wind went through my hair he stiffened. The teacher mr.D told me the sit next to him, he covered his mouth and his nose while looking down at me. After a bunch of Sheakspere stuff, the class finally let out and he got out like the room was on fire. 'What the hell is wrong with him?' I asked myself before heading down to the cafeteria.

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