Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning I woke up to the smell of pancakes and bacon, my favourite meal. I ran downstairs tripping over the last step and landed on my butt. I got up and ran to the kitchen hissing at dad who tried to grab the first plate "I wouldn't do that dad, it's her favourite meal, she once tackled Phil" she said sending my awkward form a knowing look, dad quickly dropped the plate. I ate my breakfast while glaring at dad who look shocked, me and Bella grabbed our bags and ran to the truck. One of the many things different about me and Bella is that she hates rain and I love it. "Sydney! Get in the damn truck!" She screamed at me "I think I'll walk to school" I said. As I was walking to school I felt two strong arms and instantly thought I was being kidnapped. I looked at my captor and it was Edward. I tried to wriggle out of his grip but he was too strong. He brought me to the car and put me in the backseat sitting in the lap of Emmett who instantly started tickling me, my one weakness. After he was done he hugged me to his chest "awe, Edward, she's so cute, cuddled up to Emmett like that. " Alice said who was sitting in the passenger's seat "like I have a choice" I mumbled under my breath and everybody laughed except for Edward. "What were you doing outside without a coat, Sydney! you could of died!" Edward screamed, I was shocked about how protective he was about me and the fact that he acted like if he was human, he would still take a bullet for me. "Where are you taking me?" I asked pouting to which Emmett and Jasper laughed. "school, no sister of mine will not have a education" Edward said, I was shocked! I was in a silver volvo with a family of one of them just said that I was their sister! "What the fuck did you just say Edward fucking Cullen, I am not you sister/daughter!" I screamed "yes you are, now watch your mouth" 

A/N should Sydney be like Edward's daughter or like a sister

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