Chapter 5

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I woke up at 6:00 am jut like everyday to enjoy some alone time and looked out of the window. It looked different, I pulled the curtains back and it was snowing!!! I love snow!!! I put on my winter stuff and headed outside. As soon as I got outside I slipped on ice and fell on my butt. I sighed and got up before running to the snow. As soon as I tried to jump in a pair of cold hard arms wrapped around me, I looked up and saw Edward. He carried me back inside ignoring my protests and took off my coat, snow pants mittens, hat and boots for me. He then carried me to the couch and sat in dad's recliner watching to make sure I don't go out in the storm "hey, Edward?" he was brought out of his thoughts "I'm going to ride with Bella today since Charlie put snow chains on Bella's truck" he smirked "I doubt snow chains will help the curse of the Swans that you and your sister share" he said smugly I rolled my eyes and made a bowl of cereal for breakfast quickly flinging a grape at him that missed by feet, I set the cereal on the table grumbling about how I hate having dad's coordination. As soon as I saw dad's feet on the stairs Edward was gone. Dad made fried eggs and bacon for his breakfast offering me some but I quickly declined. After Bella ate we drove to school. When we got there Bella and I talked at the end of her truck which was a big mistake. I heard tires screeching and looked. Tyler Crowdy's car was heading straight for me and Bella. I felt myself being pushed to the ground and heard something hard crash with metal, I looked up a saw Edward with his shoulder against Tyler's car. He started hugging me telling me to keep my eyes open while saying the same thing to Bella since he has a crush on her. I heard someone say "I called 911" in a scared voice, I then heard sirens and felt myself being lifted onto a stretcher.

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