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When we got to the prom everyone's jaw dropped by how much I was dressed up.

When we got to the prom everyone's jaw dropped by how much I was dressed up

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I will get revenge on Alice for forcing this dress onto me. While all the Cullen's were looking away I ran to the library.

I was reading 'War And Peace' when Emmett found me and picked me up and carried me back to the prom. "Guess who I found!" "Oh my God Sydney! Don't ever scare me like that again!" He said taking me from Emmett and hugging me tightly. "God Sydney, you scared us all half to death!" Mike said "shut up guys! I'm not a baby!" I screamed. I wasn't able to get out of Edward's grip but he let me down anyway.

When we got home I got ambushed my dad "how was the dance girls?" He asked "good" we both replied and went upstairs. "What was that explosion about!" Bella accused "I was just tired of everyone treating me like a little kid" I said "but you are a little kid" Edward said coming through the window. "I'm just going to bed" I said and fell asleep instantly.

Sorry for the delay, wattpad kept on deleting my chapter and there will be a sequel.

Till then, goodbye

Bella Swan's little sister (twilight)Where stories live. Discover now