Chapte 6

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Edward was in the passenger seat next to the paramedics while Bella, Tyler and I were forced to lay on stretchers, it wasn't fair. I felt the ambulance stop and I was wheeled into the hospital. Only Tyler had a concussion but I had a broken arm. I saw Bella talking to Edward and then Edward storming away. I chased after him, he looked shocked that I was following him. "Bella is onto me" he stated, I made a 'o' shape with my mouth and said "she's dragging me to Portland so you will have a break" I said he smirked as he watched me walk off.

I went into Jessica's car after school the next day, the conversation was between Angela, Jessica and Bella, so I had some quiet time. When the car stopped I got out and got dragged by Jessica and Angela to a dress shop. They kept on bringing me babyish dresses that I didn't even touch. I went and got a beautiful black dress that they hated but I loved, it wasn't like I would go to the dance. Bella and I tried to look for a book store in the way Jessica pointed and when we got there, it was a spiritual book store, "that's helpful for horror books" I mumbled and Bella laughed. We turned a corner and saw two guys come up to us, they were from the store. "We saw you at the store" one of them said, we backed up and I hit someone. I turned around and it was another group. They started pushing us around the circle saying stuff like "you should hang out with us" "have a drink" it was scary until someone said "a girl and her baby" rage filled me. Bella looked at me smirking knowing what was going to happen next. I punched guys in faces and kicked people in the balls, Renee was worried about how small I was so she signed me up for self defence lessons, I was the best in my class. As soon as one of them pinned my arms against my back I saw car lights. The car stopped and Edward came out. He grabbed me and threw me into the back of the Volvo. During the ride I zoned out until Edward mentioned "vampire" so now Bella knows. I fell asleep in the back listening to the quiet noises of Bella and Edward.

Bella Swan's little sister (twilight)Where stories live. Discover now