Chapter 9

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I finally got out of that wheelchair, which is good because Edward says he is taking us to play baseball. Edward carried me into the back seat locking me in. When we got to the field Esme asked me and Bella to be the refs "she thinks we cheat" Emmett said "oh, I know you cheat" Esme said. After a few rounds Emmett and Jasper stood in front of me in a protective stance. After a long conversation Edward put Bella on his back, me in his arms and ran to the jeep. "what is going on!?!" I screamed "guys, listen to me. James is a tracker so we need to get you guys far away" he said I fell asleep on the ride home.

When I woke up I was on a plane with Alice, Jasper and Bella. "good morning Sydney" Alice said.

After we were in hotel for a few days Bella got a call "Sydney? Can you come hear please?" Bella asked. I got up and walked to our room "I just got a call from James, he wants to meet us at my old ballet studio" she said fighting the tears that were welling up in her eyes. I took a deep, shaky, breath after she told me about mom. I can't help feeling that today will be my last.

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