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When Bella and I got to the ballet studio we heard mom "Sydney!?! Bella!?! Where are you!?!". We ran to the voice. When we got there, we saw James holding a remote in front of a t.v with one of our old home movies. It was the one where Bella and I were hiding under the table at thanksgiving at grandpa and grandma's house. We were tricked. James held our video camera. I was too scared to move talk or even listen, I was in shock. I heard a bunch of crashes and screams. I soon felt a burning sensation on my wrist, I starting screaming and wriggling in pain. I heard screams and distorted words . I soon felt something sharp pierce my skin where the burning was coming from. I soon passed out.

I woke up and felt something up my nose, I went to pull it out but a hand stoped me "oh no you don't!" The familier voice of Edward said. I soon heard the sound of something hard hitting cushions and snores. I opened my eyes to see mom, Bella, Charlie and Phil looking at me. I agreed to stay at forks. But Edward is forcing me to go to prom!!!😢

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