Chapter 4

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So here I was, a vampire just called me his little sister and acted like it was normal, he is seriously messed up. I tried to wriggle out of Emmett's grip but he was too strong. When we got to school I was handed a new schedule bye Edward, the classes I had with him were the same but I snuck a peek at his schedule and we had all the same classes! "Why the hell did you do that!?!" I screamed "so I could make sure you don't run away, all of the Cullen's have the same periods at us" he said simply, suddenly, he picked me up cradling me in his arms like it was nothing and carried me inside to where Hell was. The first class we had was social studies and he made me sit right beside him with the circle of Cullen's surrounding us. When we got to lunch I tried to run away from Edward but Alice caught me "can I go sit with my sister? She will think something is up if I sit with you" I asked and I was allowed as long as Edward sat with me "hey Sydney, do you want to come to la push with us" Eric asked Edward shook his head but i said "sure Eric, I'm sure Charlie will be fine with it as long as Bella goes" earning a glare from Edward, then he whispered in my ear "from now on your sitting with the Cullen's" he whispered. "I'll be putting up such a struggle that Emmett will have to carry me there" I whispered back making Edward smirk which Bella stared at. When we headed to science Mr. D was juggling 3 boxes. He put them in front of Mike, told him to pass them around, as soon as I saw the needle I knew what we were doing, we were testing our blood. Bella and I shared uneasy glances because we both faint when we see blood, it smells like salt and blood. As soon as Mr. D pricked Mike's finger I was out, I could hear things like footsteps and voices but I couldn't make them out, I soon felt something cold pick me up and knowing it was Edward I wasn't worried, wait, who was carrying Bella!?! I felt myself being laid on a bed and an ice pack being placed on my forehead. As soon as the ice touched my head I shot up and looked around the room, all the Cullens, Bella and Mike were there. I was carried to the volvo by Edward since my legs refused to work and Edward was dragging Bella who refused to leave her truck. I looked up at the sky and saw the nimbus clouds that told us that a storm was coming after the rain ended, we just have to wait for tomorrow.

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