Honestly... I'm Fine (Part 3)

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Everyone was surprised how the lats chapter ended, SO HERE'S ANOTHER CHAPTER!

*the song is a hint for what's coming in this chapter...*

Jonathan's POV


(A few days later...)

From that day forward, I never saw Sherwin at school. During all my classes, I kept watching the door, hoping to see the red headed boy walk through them. But he never did. My grades dropped a little bit and my parents got mad at me. So mad they grounded me from leaving the house for a week. Well, they also got really mad at for 'losing' my phone.

Who knows what could've happened to Sherwin during that one week. So, I snuck out one night, hoping Sherwin would be best friends with me again. It was pretty hard getting out, considering all the cameras that surrounded my house.

But I made it out.

I sprinted to Sherwin's house as fast as possible, cold air hitting my skin like needles. I didn't care if I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt when it's only a bit above freezing. I just had to see him again.

I broke him, and it's all my fault.

A ladder lead up to his room, and of course I climbed it. At the top, I peeked in to see Sherwin typing away on his phone. Tears stained his face, and he just looked broken. With a nervous gulp, I knocked at his window, hoping he would answer.

He looked at me, and just smiled. Not a normal soft smile, but like one you would see on a popular girl at school. He walked over like a popular girl and opened the window and just stared at me.

"Sherwin!" I yelled, jumping into his room, tackling him onto the floor. He quickly got up and fixed himself.

"Ew, so much dust. OMG! Jonathan! Are you okay?" He asked me, trying to sound... girly?

"Sherwin? Why are you acting this way?" I asked him, looking at him. He looked no different, but this was not him.
Acting? Like what?" He said, a fake high pitched voice echoing throughout the room.

"YOU'RE ACTING LIKE YOU'RE A FREAKING POPULAR GIRL!" I shouted at him. So many emotions ran through me, and I didn't know which one was most powerful. His smile tightened, but a cheery expression stayed plastered on.

"W-what? You don't like this? Well, I can change... T-that's easy!" He exclaimed, his voice changing from a fake cheery one to a dark and depressed one. He just... changed.

"Ugh... Life. Why do we exist in the first place?" He said, flopping back onto his bed. I hated this.

I hated this

I hated this so much.

"I hate you for changing from who you are. Just stop," I said, a dark tone on my voice. I looked at the ginger who got up from his bed again.

"I lost myself in make believe. You can't bring the gone me back. Don't you know?" He asked me. I looked at him, confused. What was he talking about? What did he mean the gone me'?

"I-I... I don't know what you mean by that," I said to him, sitting down on the wooden floor below.

"If a heart breaks, it can be repaired easily and the owner won't be affected. If a heart turns black and dies..." He said, walking over to me and getting really close.

"The owner's personality and emotions die along with it," He finished, taking black dust out of his pocket. I gasped out of shock, just not knowing not to say.

"It is a shock, just don't worry about me..." Sherwin said while puting the dust  into a small pottery cup. He walked back to his bed and just say there, staring blankly at his phone.

"Fine. Just fine. If you're gonna treat me like crap, then I think we shouldn't be friends anymore," I sternly said, glaring at the ginger before me. He glared back, telling me to go away just by his eyes.

"Leave. Just leave. And we were never friends," He replied, pointing towards the window. I left without another word, not caring anymore.

Before I left, he just whispered something that I could barely hear.

"Don't leave me here, with the fear in my heart..."




I know it's short but I had a headache all throughout today and I was tired :P

UNTIL LATER... maybe tomorrow tbh


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