Chapter 1.

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Annie's POV

"Good morning Annie. I guess you slept well, since it's noon." Hayden said with a bit of a smirk.

I was too tired at the moment to respond, so I just simply ignored his comment and poured myself some cereal while the others ate sandwiches.

I didn't end up going to bed until six in the morning. I was up thinking about Jake. Why would his family leave him here? I guess they really don't like him then.

"Who are you?!" I heard Sydney yell, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I noticed Jake had come into the cabin. He must have left before anyone got up.

"Oh, this is Jake. He's the son of the people who own the cabin." I explained.

"But I thought they only had daughters." Katie said.

"They don't like me very much so I get ignored a lot and forgotten. That's why I got left here instead of going to Puerto Rico with them." Jake said sadly.

"Oh. Well, you can stay here. There just happens to be an extra bed in the boys' room." Luke offered.

"I'd love that!" He replied happily.

"Great! You can bring your stuff and get settled in." Luke said.

And with that, Jake went outside, returning a few minutes later with a full backpack with tearing seams. He walked into the boys' room.

"So, kayaking?" Hayley asked.

"Sure!" Everyone said except me and Katie.

"Why aren't you guys going?" Ryan asked.

"I'm tired." I said.

"And I just don't feel like it right now." Katie replied.

"Well, we'll be at the lake if you change your minds." He shrugged.

With that, Katie and I were alone. Except for the fact that Jake was here too.


"So..." Katie started.

"I'm picking up some beef between you two." Jake said, plopping on the couch beside me.

"There's nothing. I just don't know what to talk about." Katie lied for me. I appreciated that.

"Okay then..." Jake started awkwardly. "Do you want to play a board game?"

"Sure." I shrugged.

"Okay." Katie said in monotone.

"There's Scrabble, Monopoly, Uno, and Yahtzee. Which one?" Jake asked.

"Uno." I simply answered.

"Yahtzee." Katie answered aggressively.

"Uno!" I pushed.

"Yahtzee!" Katie pushed even more.







"Let's just play scrabble, okay?" Jake said, obviously uncomfortable with us screaming at each other.

"Fine." Katie and I grumbled.

Katie and I sat with our arms crossed while Jake set up everything.

"Who wants to go first?" He asked.

"I'll go." I quickly responded before Katie could say anything.

I chose four of the seven letters I had. I placed them to make the word "hate". I drew four letters.

Then it was Jake's turn. He put down "Tomato". Then he drew his six letters and Katie went.

Katie made the word "you" off of "tomato". But I could tell it was directed to me, saying "hate you", and she would have branched it off of "hate" if she could have.

"You know what?! I'm done. I'm not playing anymore. I'm going to go take a walk." I announced.

I put on sneakers and went out the door. I found a path not too far from the back of the cabin. I took in the scenery. There was a stream nearby, I could hear it. I found it in about a minute, and sat next to it. It was about three feet wide. I stuck my arm it it, and with my hand flat there water went up to about my elbow.

There were a few rocks nearby, most of which were flat. I tried skipping a few, but only one skipped. I could see my reflection in the water. I looked sad and tired. I was a bit tired, but mostly sad.

I remember when Caleb died, I was in disbelief. For an hour that night, I was crying and pinching myself over and over, trying to snap out of a dream I thought I was having. But I was stuck with the harsh reality.

My bubba was gone. Baseball player number seven was gone. The first person to call me Annie and who came up with the nickname was gone. I was alone, brother-less. I only had Hayley now. And she only had me. And I hope it stays that way, so we at least have each other.

"Annie? Julianna? Anna Grace!" I heard someone calling.

"No one calls me Anna Grace! Only my family!" I yelled, turning around to find myself face to face with...


Cliffhanger to be filled in by bratayay!

So hey, I'm Brooke, aka brookie_backtucks , and I'm really happy to be co-writing The Haunted Cabin with such an amazing author!

So anyway, remember to vote, comment, and share for more chapters!!!

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