Chapter 5.

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Hayden's POV

"Are you sure you heard glass break?" Luke asked once I told him and the others the story of last night.

"Maybe you were dreaming and it just felt real," Brennan pointed out.

"Of course I'm sure!" I exclaimed. "And I was not dreaming, it was real. Ask Jake and Annie once they get back."

"From their date," Hayley added, causing the other girls and Luke to slightly giggle.

I elbowed Luke in the ribs, which ended up with him narrowing his eyes at me. "It's not a date, Hayley. They just went on a walk," I said in an annoyed tone.

"Okay then," Hayley replied, but she was still giggling.

"Hayden, did you ever think that maybe Jake played a prank on you?" Katie asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well," Katie sat up, "You asked Annie out right in front of him, and it's kinda obvious that Jake likes her."

"So..?" I asked, clearly lost.

Katie rolled her eyes and Sydney join in. "What she means is that you probably upset Jake, maybe even made him jealous, so he played a prank on you to get revenge."

"So you're saying that Jake broke something just to get back at Hayden?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah!" Sydney exclaimed.

"But that doesn't explain how they didn't find any broken glass in the kitchen, and Jake came out from the boys' room to see what was going on," Luke pointed out.

"So then what does explain the situation, Einstein?" Katie asked as she rolled her eyes in his direction.

It was her turn to get glared at by Luke. "I don't know, okay? So do you got anything, Brainiac?"

"Actually, yes, I do," Katie said with a smirk as Luke's eyes went wide.

"Then please explain," Luke put his head in his palm as Katie rolled her eyes again.

"Maybe nothing really did break, and Jake just played a sound from like his phone or something," Katie suggested.

"That would explain how none of us heard glass breaking," Brennan said.

"He probably only made it loud enough for Hayden and Annie to hear," Hayley said.

"And that would explain why there was no glass on the floor! You're a genius, Kate!" Sydney exclaimed.

"So what do you think?" Brennan turned to ask me.

I shrugged. "I don't know. I mean, Katie did come up with a pretty logical explanation, but the glass sounded too real to be from an app or something, and I just have this feeling about Jake..."

"Jealousy?" Hayley asked.

I ignored her comment. "I still think something fishy is going on."

"You're over analyzing, dude," Brennan patted my shoulder. "Just go with what my sister came up with and move on."

"He's got a point, Hayden," Sydney added.

"Whatever, I'm going out for a walk myself. I'll be back," I said as I got up and grabbed a hat before leaving the cabin.

I decided to follow a trail which went past a stream. It reminded me of one I had found in California when Annie visited for the first time. I had taught her how to skip rocks, and she wasn't very good at first.

"I don't know what I'm doing wrong!" she exclaimed.

"Here, you do this," I grabbed her arm and helped her, and the rock skidded across the stream.

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