Chapter 3.

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Annie's POV

We now had eleven days left in the cabin, and to be honest, I was bored without having any cell signal.

I could still play some games, but I couldn't go on social media or anything like that.

Today we decided would be a lazy day, especially after what happened yesterday. I was laying on the couch in the living room on my phone playing a game when someone came up behind me.

"Having fun there?" Hayden asked behind me as he munched on an apple.

"Not really. There isn't a lot to do." I answered.

"There's plenty to do!" Hayden sat next to me. "We can swim, play games, draw, sing..." then he trailed off.

"See? There isn't much to do." I said as I put away my phone.

"You'll think of something." Hayden patted my shoulder. "If you want, you and I could do something today."

"Okay! Like what?" I replied.

"How about a hike?" Jake suggested as he came out of the boys's room.

"A hike sounds fun!" I exclaimed. "What do you think, Hayden?" I looked over at my friend to see that he had an odd look on his face with his arms crossed over his chest.

But then he looked back at me and nodded with a small smile. "Sounds good, I guess."

"Great! I've been hiking around here before, I can show you where to go." Jake grinned. "I'll get the gear, be right back! Start packing snacks and water!"

"This should be exciting." I said to Hayden as I started packing snacks.

Hayden shrugged.

"Is something wrong?" I asked him as I came closer.

"Not really..." he answered.

"Hayden." I probed.

Hayden sighed. "Fine. I wanted to hang out with you, just you, for today. We haven't had any time together in a while."

"You're right, and I'm sorry about that. How about tomorrow?" I suggested.

Hayden nodded with a smile. "That sounds good."

"You guys ready to go?" Jake asked a few minutes later when he came out with the hiking gear.

"Yeah, let's go." I replied. Jake handed Hayden and I our hiking gear. We put it on and headed out.

"This is a nice trail." Hayden admitted as we were walking up.

"Yeah, I come here a lot when I'm bored, and sometimes I camp up here too." Jake said with a nod. "There's also a small cave around here that my friends and I would hide in."

"That sounds kinda creepy." I said with a slight laugh.

Jake shrugged. "Not to me. Maybe I could show you sometime." Jake said with a wink.

I felt myself slightly blush; was he flirting with me?

"You know what? I'm kind of tired and I don't feel too well." Hayden stated as he turned around. "I think I'm gonna head back to the cabin."

"Aw, already? We haven't even gotten to the cave yet!" Jake exclaimed.

"Hayden, please stay?" I said as I grabbed his arm.

"No thanks." Hayden said as he snatched away his arm. "Have fun with Jake." Then he went back down towards the cabin.

"Is he okay?" Jake asked as we continued to hike.

The Haunted Cabin ~ Bratayley FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now