Chapter One

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Arthur was woken up by three knocks on the bedroom door, making him stir a little in bed but just turn on the other side and continue sleeping.

He was just too tired, and wanted to skip today's meeting.

"Arthur? 'Ya up already?" The interruption of his sleep didn't stop with those couple of knocks. The obnoxious American accent could be loudly heard from the other side, making the poor Brit groan and place a pillow over his head to muffle any sounds.

Arthur Kirkland was not an ordinary Brit, although he definitely acted like one. He represented the United Kingdom, and the 'obnoxious American' who tried to wake him up was Alfred F. Jones, the representation of the United States. Right now, all the nations were each in their own hotel room, waiting for the meeting to start  - this time in Warszaw, Poland.

But Arthur hated waking up in the morning every day, and going to meetings every month. He hated that every time some of the other nations saw him, they would always shout at him. Mock him. He was very fragile, feminine even, and over time he became very rude and introverted.
Everyone still did it, though, making fun of him day after day, year after year...

Everyone except Alfred.

"...No... Go away, Alfred..." The Brit muttered out, but he was barely heard to the other side of the door.
"Artie, we have a meeting! I don't want you to be late like last time!" Alfred whined and knocked on the door harsher, again and again.

"Let me sleep, git!" He venomously replied, but just got a huff for a response.
"Fine, but this meeting is really important. Do what you like, I'm not leaving until you come with me."

"ALRIGHT!" Arthur shouted out in anger and frustration, getting up from bed and storming off to the bathroom in a matter of seconds.

"A-arthur? Aren't you gonna let me in before you go do your stuff?"

No reply. The English nation was too irritated to respond.

Entering the bathroom, he looked at himself in the mirror and ruffled up his hair which looked terrible after sleeping. He sighed and leaned against the washbasin, staring at his mirrored expression. His tired green eyes were half - lidded, his hair flying in all directions and his unchangeable annoyed look was there along with everything else.

After finishing his morning routine, he put on a blue shirt with a small Union Jack on it, but this time he didn't want to wear trousers. He picked up a skirt from the bottom of the closet, a long one with flower patterns, and carefully put it on.

If France can wear a dress, if Poland can wear a dress, then I can put on a skirt.

I think it looks good on me.

With a smile, he picked up his bag and ran out of the bathroom towards the door. Opening them, he found Alfred sitting on the floor and waiting for him this entire time. He couldn't help but chuckle a little.

"Finally you're-- Dude, are you wearing a skirt?" Alfred's eyes widened at the sight, getting up from the floor, in a second he eyed Arthur from top to bottom, expression full of surprise.

Arthur felt a blush spread on his cheeks from the look of his boyfriend, making him feel very nervous about what the other nations would say to him at the meeting. "...Yes. I think it looks fashionable." He muttered out and looked to the side.

"Right. I mean, you do you, I don't judge. You still look cute to me." Alfred chuckled and took him by the hand, kissing him quickly on the cheek which made the island nation turn a whole different shade of red.

Alfred's words really meant a lot to him.

"T-thanks. Anyway shall we go now? We're late already, aren't we?" He asked the American, who just nodded and hummed in approval.

"Yup, very late. About twenty minutes."

"Let's run."


Ten minutes later, hurrying through the busy streets of Warszaw and getting a lot of strange looks from the passing by people, the two of them finally reached the parliament building where the nation meeting was held today.

Running up the stairs, both tired already, they stood when they found themselves in front of the door to the office.

Alfred burst through it in a second without even knocking, holding Arthur by the hand.
"The hero and his lady have arrived!" He shouted and everyone in the meeting room just froze, except Ludwig, Germany, who just sighed and shook his head.

For a particular reason, Arthur felt a different tingle inside when Alfred called him 'his lady'.

He loved it.

Not paying much attention to the 'hero', every nation turned to Arthur - Arthur Kirkland, the Great British nation was wearing a skirt.

"...Wilkommen...?" Ludwig said in surprise, everyone still shockingly looking at Arthur.

"Igirisu-san, may I ask what are you wearing?" Japan, also known as Kiku, remained looking uninterested but he actually was interested. Quite.

"What are you all staring at? Never saw someone wear a skirt? Belgium wears them all the time." Arthur mumbled under his breath and sat next to where Alfred was already sitting.

He expected a lot of insults to be thrown at him during the meeting, but he was ready.

Everything would be so much easier if I were born a girl.

They will never understand.

Not even Alfred.



Well, here's chapter one of this fanfic! I don't know if you will enjoy it, but hopefully some of you will like it. ^^

Should I continue this?

Thanks for reading!

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