Chapter Sixteen

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"You can't expose the nations to the world! What the... What is wrong with you?!" Alfred at this point shouted through tears which were hysterically falling and weren't planning to stop any time soon, as it seemed. Lukas and Mathias were staring in awe at what the president was threatening to do.

If he did that, the nations would never be safe again. 

Alfred's boss settled on a smirk, and Alice just wanted to slap him so badly - but she knew that it would just bring more trouble to all five of them that were standing in the office, glaring at a man who had a gun pointed at them. 
"Honestly, Alfred, if you don't give up on the damn alliance, I'm easily going to expose your existence to the world."

Alfred wasn't stupid. Alfred Jones might had come off as obnoxious, sometimes arrogant, childish, or clumsy, but he definitely wasn't stupid. And he just wanted to protect those he loved. Every nation life would be in danger if they become known to the people. The things that would happen...! He wasn't even able to imagine how terrible it would be. 
Alfred wanted to protect Alice, and Matthew, even Francis, Lukas, Mathias... Everyone! 

He was the hero, after all.

"...Fine." His stare directly into the president's eyes wasn't removed, and as he whispered that four-lettered word, every nation's eyes widened, especially Alice's. 

Alfred was giving up?!

"A-alfred, what are you doing-" Matthew directly asked but was interrupted by his North American brother speaking up.

Alfred had that fierce and fiery look in his darkened blue eyes which just screamed for revenge, but... If the risk was this high... He had no choice but to let it go. 
"Break the alliance. But don't break us apart. I love England, and I'm not letting her go. Now, go ahead and tell the world how America and England are enemies, but you very well know that starting a war wouldn't mean shit to us. We wouldn't go to war."

What's with the 'she' pronouns for England? I'm sensing a pattern here. I'm definitely going to talk to both of them about it later. Matthew's head was spinning with thoughts and possibilities, bue he was trying to let it go for now. They had more serious business on their hands.

"Well, well, Alfred Jones is finally pulling back out of this miserable fight." His president snickered and still firmly held the threatening weapon in his hands. "Go away before I shoot you all. And if I ever see any of you disgusting beings in the White House, I'll tell the guards to do what they have to do."

"Y-you're crazy, you're mental... I'm leaving! I am leaving! Are you happy now?! Go ahead and destroy this pityful country, it's not worth fighting for it anymore!" The young American, completely infuriated, almost screamed out the last words, his voice high and his temper burning up. He took Alice by the arm and stepped towards the door, motioning for the other confused nations to join him. Francis and Matthew looked at each other curiously, but shrugged and followed Alfred, Lukas and Mathias did the same and ran out the door, with the Norwegian slamming it behind him. 

They lost the battle, but not the war.


Later in the day, the six nations settled on staying in a hotel until the day after. They were all confused, scared and definitely too tired to take a plane back to their countries.

Matthew, Alfred and Alice took one room, and Francis, Mathias and Lukas took the room next to it. The Canadian nation said he had something important to discuss, while Francis just smirked and said he was going to stay with the Nordics.

Truth be told, Francis always assumed that the almighty British Empire was actually a woman. And hearing Alfred use those pronouns just made him happy... But also jealous. Because that meant that Arthur confessed to Alfred, but not to him. 

But maybe he was just making assumptions...

Maybe the British nation would have the courage to tell him once.

"So, you two. I really need to talk to you about something." Matthew sat on one side of the bed while Alice and Alfred cuddled up on the other side, together. Their looks were now focused on the Canadian, who had his arms crossed and a serious expression on.

"Yeah, what about?" His brother asked curiously.

Loudly exhaling, Matthew prepared to ask the question. 
"You both aren't telling me something. All this business with calling England 'she' and you misspelling the name in the texts earlier... Hell, he even wears a skirt most of the days! It all adds up to one thing! A-and I don't want to pressure anyone into telling me anything but I am so curious..." 

Alice's green eyes widened at the words, creating a stirring tension in her stomach and making her face flush red in a matter of seconds. Matthew partially knew?! That means Francis did, too. That means everyone would soon know and she'd be dead at meetings! 

She knew that Alfred wasn't careful with the name and pronouns, but it was just because he wanted her to feel good, and maybe not so closed in about it.

"W-well..." She finally began speaking, getting the hold of Alfred's hand pretty quickly. After a couple of seconds in silence, her facial expression broke into a wide smile followed by a small chuckle which showed her nervousness, but also relief in a way. "You're not wrong."

"You're serious?!"

"Yes, Matthew. It's not easy to say such a thing but if you already know, it's best for me to just say it all. I'm a girl, and always have  been. Just, well, born in the wrong body. Alfred calls me Alice, and she because it makes me feel good, accepted and just... I'm scared. To tell anyone else. Francis might tell others, and I'd be dead at the next meeting."

Little did she know that Francis was listening to every word right outside of the door.

Mon Dieu... It's true.

And he... she... never told me. 

England doesn't trust me.



Welp, sorry for this being finished and posted so late. School tired me out to the point of passing out. xD

Thanks for reading!

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