Chapter Nineteen

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"...What did he just do?" Ludwig stood in awe, contemplating the dramatic reaction of the British nation and pondering the words. A girl? That wasn't true. 

"Well, for you information, she just told all of you ignorant bastards the truth. Now it's on you whether you will be decent people and accept it, or remain ignorant and make not only her life but all of our lives miserable." 

Nobody expected Francis Bonnefoy to suddenly just recite those words, get up from his chair and join Alfred who stood with his arms crossed and waited to fight back against anything that would be said.

France defending England? That was new, and left everyone completely speechless for a longer moment.

"How in the world is England a girl? What the fuck is wrong with you all?" Romano asked in a stern tone, his thick Italian accent showing as always. But, what came as a surprise to him was a slap from his younger brother who sat on the chair right next to him. "Ow, what was that for?!"

"Because I agree with France! If England says that he, well, she is a girl, then why not? Whatever makes a pretty lady happy, I'm okay with that!" Feliciano added in his usually cheerful voice, but this time it was visible he wasn't okay with the English nation being treated this way. "Just let people be themselves, it's not too difficult."

"B-but you can't just randomly say 'okay,  I'm a girl now'! You know what you are when you're born, or created, or whatever! Your body says it, not your stupid mind!" Austria decided to step into the conversation. The classy musician generally gave the impression of being very open - minded, but that was far from the truth. In some ways, of course, he was, but in most ways he just thought as it was told. Since the Habsburg Monarchy it has been that way.

Alfred, Francis and Feliciano looked at each other with exasperation showing on their faces, the American letting out a long sigh.

"I don't care if you understand all of this or not. I really don't give a shit. But all I'm asking of you is to respect her and her decisions. If England says she's a girl, then she's a girl. Call her Alice, not Arthur. If you disrespect that, you're gonna have to deal with me." Alfred stated.

"And moi." The Frenchman added with a smirk, sharing a confident look with the American. "And stop being surprised about me protecting Angleterre. We're friends, after all."

After that being said, the room went mostly silent, except of some nations chatting among themselves. Some nations felt scared, some confused and some just... Weirded out by this behaviour of 'Alice'.

"...Fair enough. You have a point. I-I mean we can try..." Germany thoughtfully replied after those minutes of awkward silence which nobody actually enjoyed.

Alfred's face immediately created a smirk in victory, and the room lit up with chatter once again.

The only thing that worried him was where Alice had gone to.

Home, he thought to himself, I hope she ran home.

"Great! You better all try, or you'll meet a really painful destiny. Now, meeting adjourned. Let's just all go because this meeting is pointless." The young North American nation loudly spoke, turning around and leaving everything (and everyone) behind. Headed towards the exit, he did his usual salute and left, slamming the doors behind himself.

And once again, for who knows which time that day, everyone went silent.


"Alice! Where are you?!" He ran down the corridors of the big building, being stopped and shushed by a couple of guards. Quickly apologizing with his hands up, he continued his search for the Englishwoman.

Well, she's definitely not in the closet.

Dammit, Alfred, this is not the time for making these jokes!

Chuckling just slightly to himself, he ran down the stairs and out of the building. Being easily recognized, nobody stopped to ask who he was so he was easily able to get out.

Running outside, he found himself surrounded by London streets again, and also found someone that he would never expect to see there, especially not like this.

Alice was sitting right in front of the building, well, a little bit to the left to be more precise. Her long skirt spread over the cold concrete, she was crying into the palms of her hands and didn't look around herself. Her medium length blonde locks of hair peacefully swung back and forth by the weak, but noticeable force of wind, and all Alfred felt while looking at her was his heart being broken... Falling apart.

Just when he thought she might be getting better.

It was a miserable sight to witness, for sure.

"Alice..." Alfred said through a gasp of surprise and ran up to her, making her just slightly look up.

"Y-you came after me."

"Of course I did. Now please, get off the ground, it's cold..."

Alice hesitated. She felt embarrassed, ashamed of herself and all those negative emotions came down flooding her at once. 
But, this was Alfred. Alfred Jones who she loved, adored with all her heart and soul, and she would do anything for him.

With his help, she got off the dusty concrete and into his warm embrace. Alfred wrapped both of  his arms around her and softly caressed her back, breathing in the wonderful scent of, well, her.

"W-what did I ever do to them?" She asked her loving boyfriend through sobs, and he hugged her even tighter, his heart clenching at the desperate tone of the words which were being said.

"...You did nothing, Alice. Don't beat yourself up over those idiots... They don't understand how you feel."

And they stayed like that for minutes, just warm in each others' arms, surrounded by grass, trees, streets and light wind which played with their hair, but also created a slight breeze.

It was sad that moments like these had to end...

Both Alfred and Alice wanted them to last forever. But of course, that wasn't possible.

So what would two romantic lovers do after a peaceful, warm moment like this?


Alice and Alfred took each other by their hands, and slowly walked away from everything behind them just to go to their home. Their home, a house which they shared and a house where they could be who they are without anyone judging any of them.

A house with the scent of love.



I... Honestly have no clue if any of this makes sense. XD

Also, i might change the title of this fanfiction! O-O

Thanks for reading, y'all are awesome.


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