Chapter Thirty

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About fifteen to twenty minutes later - Alfred wasn't strictly counting - Alice was out of the ordination. The procedure wasn't all too bad, and she felt confident about how the rest of the treatment was going to be like.

"T-that didn't hurt at all." The British woman stated in a slightly shaky voice when exiting and closing the door behind her. Alfred chuckled a little and held her in his warm embrace as they slowly made their way across the building's narrow, dull hallway towards the exit.

This was a massive step for Alice, and she couldn't help but tear up a little.

Her transition had officially begun its long, excruciating process that would, one day, take her to the bliss of feeling comfortable in her own body.

"Well, how do you feel?" Alfred asked in a calming, soft voice and looked at his beautiful girlfriend, feeling immensely proud at her for doing this even despite the fear.

I feel...

I feel as if I had a really enlightening conversation that made me begin a new life.

Well, isn't that basically what happened?

I am starting a new life.

In a few weeks, and a few months, I will see the changes with my own eyes, when it starts developing the way it should.

It's all worth the wait.

"I feel great." The three weakly said words escaped her mouth, the tone of her voice still unsteady and kind of rocky. But, it greatly expressed how she really felt and the atmosphere of it all.

"I'm so proud of you, you know that?" The American smiled, getting a smile from his loved one in return.

"Thank you, Alfred."


Three weeks had passed since the transition have started. 
Can't believe I overlooked them so quickly.
These three weeks were tough, though. 

Things have changed so fast, I feel like I'm slightly losing control over them.

But again, I'm in love with every single change happening on me, because it brings me the thought of how it will be three months from now, a year from now...

That morning, Alice Kirkland walked into the living room wearing a plain, navy blue sweater  and trousers of a similar, but lighter colour. Her usually messy blonde hair was straightened out and let loose, already reaching shoulder length. It looked much better than it used to, and she loved the look of it. 
A cup of warm tea awaited her at the kitchen table, Alfred sitting in his spot and glancing at her briefly as she walked in with a smile.
They exchanged a good morning greeting and soon found themselves in their usual chatter, and everything felt so... Peaceful.

Alice felt much more sensitive lately, but it seemed as if she was of a slightly calmer spirit recently. Even more feminine than her usual behavior.

It surprised Alfred greatly, left him completely in awe. It really was happening in a fast pace.

He didn't mind at all.

In his eyes, Alice was the most attractive, beautiful woman he had ever known and would ever know, and nothing was going to change that. He loved her bravery, sensitivity, and how she managed to stand up for what she believed in even in her lowest moments, he loved her soft blonde locks of hair and the deep, forest green eyes which indicated just through how many things she went through in this long life. He loved her tender hands which were so nice to hold, and her soft lips he kissed every day. 

I'm the luckiest man alive to have her, he thought as he glanced at Alice one more time.


 A full month had flew by their eyes soon enough, and another world meeting was on the bucket list for today. 

Now, they were located in Berlin, the last city Alice and Alfred wanted to find themselves in.

Great, now Ludwig had the main word, and both the Brit and the American knew that wouldn't bring any of them good.

Alfred hoped for the best, he wanted her to get accepted for who she was by all the ignorant nations that usually bashed her in meetings.

But today...

Today was different.

The world's nation representatives were gathered in the German parliament building, more specifically in the meeting room, which in Germany was very nicely put together, new and fresh and Alice had to admit, it looked much better than the one in London.
Or the one in Washington D. C. at that note.

The last time she was there she didn't find it that fine, but Ludwig definitely did some reconstruction. That's at least what everyone was talking about before the meeting started.

...Until they noticed Alice step into the room.

Every head was now turned towards the Englishwoman, who was now for a change radiating off self - confidence and much less fear than she usually carried around with her. Her posture was straight and courageous, and her clothing - a long dark red skirt, grey jacket and white t-shirt underneath - just acted like a cherry on top. 

To shorten the story, she looked gorgeous.

"Wow, you look amazing!" A familiar high pitched Italian voice could be heard, commenting on her looks as soon as Alice took her seat. 

"Thank you, Feliciano..." She smiled to him as a thankful response and waited for Alfred to take his seat next to her. Which is exactly what he did no less than a couple of seconds later.Her voice was softer already, and she loved it. It surprised the present nations in the room, though. A lot.

Not everyone was too eager to compliment on her looks and style, though.

But what was different this time... Nobody yelled out insults.

They jus stared with confusing expressions gracing their facial features as they examined how much she changed since the last time they saw her.

Alice Kirkland. 
Once, she was a man in their eyes. A powerful empire which conquered more than one fifth of the world. A ruthless pirate, emotional at the core.
Now, she was a woman. She had always been a woman, but only in the present day the people she worked with began seeing her as one.
And my god she was beautiful! Nobody could bring her down.

"Uh, welcome, Alfred and Alice. Now when we're all here, at least most of us, we can begin."
Ludwig muttered the words with a bit of unsteadiness, but all he got in response was a big smile from the English nation.

Of course, this is only the beginning of her story, considering there will be much more to follow - the happenings in her life, the kind people she will meet and the toxic people she will have to leave behind.
The acceptance from everyone had yet to come.

But for now, she was happy with at least being introduced as Alice, not her dead name, and as a woman.

This, everyone, is Alice Kirkland.
And her story certainly isn't done.

Her long journey just started, but the pain of it will be worth it in the end.

For now she can be who she has always wanted to be.

And all she has always wanted to be was...


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