Chapter Twenty

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When they finally arrived home, everything suddenly went back to normal once again. That very familiar feeling of peace washed over them and it was as if it brought them even closer together.

Who knows how this house would feel like if Alfred was fully forced to stay in Washington D.C. Alice wouldn't stand living in such a grey and dull depressing house filled with memories and the scent of Alfred. But since her loved one was here, right next to her, she just wasn't able to be sad whatsoever. Not even the dark thoughts could get her from above. 

This was safety. Alfred was safety.

"Want some tea?" Alfred broke her little chain of endless thoughts with three simple words, bringing her back to Earth. 

"O-oh, yeah, sure." She smiled gently and decided to wait in the bedroom since all she needed was a little bit of resting. They both did, but Alfred would join her later.

Maybe he seemed childish at first sight, and many thought of  him as a procrastinator, but Alfred Jones was a hard worker. He almost always finished his work on time, sometimes even overworked himself into the night to the point of passing out. But he didn't do it for himself - he just wanted to get rid of all the work in the evening and through the night so he could spend the rest of the bright time in the day with the ones he loved.

For Alfred, love was the key which opened all doors. He deeply cared about Alice, loved her with all his heart and soul, and that was never going to change. He loved Matthew, his brother, equally. Of course, it was a different kind of love, a brotherly one, but it burnt with the same amount of passion. 

They were all one broken little family which worked awfully to stay happy.

Sadly, it didn't always work.

Alice sat down on the bed, throwing herself backwards and feeling all of her worries disappear in that split second of comfort. She let out a long exhale and sat up just slightly, repositioning the pillows to how she found them comfortable.

"I guess I'll just listen to music or something." She muttered to herself and picked up her mp3 from the nightstand, along with the small pink and blue earphones Alfred had given her only a couple of weeks ago or so. 

Music always helped her relax. It was something unexplainable, how random sounds from a small device can help her let her mind loose for a while and let her forget about some troubles.

It was magical, that was the best word to describe it.

Putting on Saturn by Sleeping at Last, she laid back and closed her eyes, feeling her mind being engulfed in the magic of it.

No less and no more than five minutes after, a certain American appeared carrying a cup of tea in his hands. "Tea is ready." He said with a smile, but also noticing that she probably didn't hear him because of the little earphones she haid in.

Oh, but, she did hear him. Sitting up straight on the bed, she stopped playing the music and invited Alfred to join her on the bed, patting the surface of it as the invitation.

Alfred, of course, didn't mind that. He automatically joined her, carefully so he doesn't spill the tea. Alice greedily took the cup and sipped it immediately, and the American couldn't help but giggle a little.

"Slow down, we don't have much more tea." He laughed, but it only encouraged her to gulp down the whole cup in less than a minute.

Ah, those Brits.

You give them a cup of tea, they want the whole factory.

Can't blame her, this is really good tea.

"There. Done." She put the cup down onto the floor and smirked just a little.

Alfred didn't waste any more time, wrapping both arms around her and bringing them both into a soft kiss. It started out slow, just the feeling of their breath mixing and their lips moving against each others', but soon it turned into something much more passionate. Alice melted in the kiss, and tightly held onto Alfred, it all felt so good, so right... She never wanted it to end:
The American let out a small sound of pleasure, and the Englishwoman just smirked slightly before pulling away first to find air. But, Alfred wasn't stopping there, and in a matter of mere seconds Alice found herself laying on her back, eyes widening in surprise. 

At that exact second, she found herself wondering whether she was ready for this. It was too much, and she still didn't feel comfortable with her body enough to try it. No, just no way.

What if Alfred doesn't even ask to stop?

The thought made her more than just a little anxious, but over the months that she had been dating the American she knew well enough that he was kind, gentle and loving, and would never force anyone into anything at all.

"S-should we stop here?" Her thoughts were, once again, interrupted by Alfred's voice. He immediately noticed that little frightful spark in her forest green eyes, and of course, he wasn't going to do anything that she wasn't ready for.

"I'd appreciate that." Alice responded with a shy smile, her heart slowly stopping to pound in her chest in such a fast rhythm. 

And Alfred just smiled back. He loved her honesty, and how she wouldn't put herself into something she wasn't ready to do just because he wanted to. It was an even better feeling for him.

Although, he was sad that she still felt awfully uncomfortable in her body.

If only he was able to fix that.

In that second where I lost just a slight bit of trust for Alfred, I managed to regain it in less than moments. 

He's so kind, so sweet, so incredibly wonderful...

How can somebody be so perfect?



Have some UsUk fluff, everybody.

I got nothin' better to say after this one, since the plot is justtttt, well, I have something in plan but you're gonna have to wait for that.

Thanks for reading!

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