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"I've been drinking, I've been drinking

I get filthy when that liquor get into me

I've been thinking, I've been thinking

Why can't I keep my fingers off it,

I want you, na na

Why can't I keep my fingers off it, baby?"

'drunk in love' blasted through the chockablock club.

drinks being passed, shots being taken, and drugs being smoked and snorted. that's what life at a club consists of, no innocent child play will be tolerated in a place like this.

here it's survival of the fittest, and by the fittest one infers the most wasted and or high.

it feels like here it's the only place were one can let loose and not have a care in the world, and to be candid. this place is welcoming to anyone.

here no one will judge you, in any way. the ambient in the club is soothing in the way that you know, you won't be the outcast, the lowlife.

everyone will be treated as equal, except for i.

i was the expected in the unexpected.

i'm the all 'a' student, the know it all, the judge mental son-of-a-gun. i judge the people that go to this club, until today, if only i was told earlier, i would become one of the usual people that came here.

like i stated earlier, i'm the expected in the unexpected. my story is cliché beyond imagined, local 'future to be president' guy goes to a club for the first time and destroys his entire perfect future with one little puff of smoke.

i'm at the club, that i despise oh so much, because it's my twenty-second birthday and my friend, niall, had the hopes of showing me a taste of 'la vida loca', when in reality i got a spoonful of it.

i have barely took five steps into the complex and niall was already no where to be seen. "great.", i said with irk oozing out of me.

i sighed in defeat. i knew i wouldn't see niall 'till we have to go.

i made my way to the bar. i wasn't really into the whole 'getting wasted for my birthday' idea, so i ordered nothing.

after a while the bartender seemed to notice, "oi, pretty boy!". i looked up and locked my gaze with his, i raised an eyebrow. "either you buy something to drink, or you can get your pretty little ass up and sit somewhere else.".

i smirked before saying, "i think i will move. seems like i've got you hot and bothered, isn't that so?", i asked teasingly as i got up. "i mean you did just complement my ass.", i turned around and started walking away but i immediately looked over my shoulder and spoke, "enjoy the view.", i winked at him before turning back around and swaying my hips a little as i walked to a booth filled with people smoking.

i uncomfortably sat down. I didn't sit there because i wanted to, but because it's the only place available to sit at.

"want some man?", one of the guys offered me some. "no thanks.", i responded.

"come on. a little won't hurt."

a little won't hurt, the words reiterated in my head. i don't know if it was by pure will or because i was feeling cocky but i took the blunt from the guys fingers.

i placed it between my lips and inhaled the smoke. the smoke that makes everything better, or so it makes us think it's better when in reality it's atrocious.

i was offered some cocaine and what happened next was either sheer the moment, or my stupidity getting the best out of me again.

i was soporific, thanks to the drugged smoke now poisoning my lungs, that i let my curiousness fall into temptation.

i was going to decline the offer, but my mind gave in and so i agreed.

if only i was thinking, if only i haven't of had came, if only i had have of known better and declined the offer; i wouldn't of became an addict.

that single snort of cocaine decided the rest of my life- or should i say, destroyed my life.

i did the implausible,

I gave into temptation.

Pinocchio • l.p. | AUWhere stories live. Discover now