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hi, thanks for reading this! I hope you will enjoy this story about our precious couple, meanie/minwon/wongyu/whatever you want to call them. :) also, the song is unrelated. I'm just recommending a song to people if they haven't listened to it already. have a wonderful day~ ( ' ' )

STORY STARTED : 20170811

note: has been EDITED


"Alright, Wonwoo, I dare you to kiss the most attractive person in the room." Soonyoung smiles excitedly, innocently. He and his friends (Junhui, Jihoon, Seungcheol, Hansol, Mingyu, Wonwoo) seriously have nothing to do as they're gathered in the student cafeteria. Today's an especially slow day for all of them.

Wonwoo groans. "Why would you...That's the worst dare ever. I'm not doing it." He crosses his arms.

Junhui sighs. "Come on, Wonwoo. It won't harm anyone. It's just a dare, you know? Like who do you think is the most handsome? Or the prettiest? And then you just, I don't know, kiss them-"

"Kissing someone isn't very easy, Jun." Wonwoo groans again. "You make it sound so simple and casual."

"Just do it." Jihoon says. "I feel you, Wonwoo, but just get it done and over with. These guys," He gestures to his and Wonwoo's friends. "won't let you leave without doing that dare, 'cause they're idiots."

That causes many of their friends to laugh, and Wonwoo stands up reluctantly. "Fine, fine. I'll do it."

He doesn't even have to look around, because there's only one person on his mind that he'd actually want to kiss, but he pretends to look around anyway, just to make it seem less obvious. And maybe not expose himself for having a crush on a certain tall, clumsy idiot.


Mingyu looked around at all the people in the room. He noticed a lot of good looking guys, and girls too. His heartbeat gets faster, imagining all the different possibilities that could happen. Wonwoo could choose any of them.

Don't even hope that he chooses you, Mingyu. There's such a low chance of that happening, come on. Mingyu silently thinks to himself.

Girls in the room who had heard what Soonyoung said, sat up straight, fixing their hair. He catches some males also paying attention to Wonwoo, glancing over at him. Mingyu doesn't know if it's because they're curious about who Wonwoo will choose, or because they're hoping Wonwoo will choose them.

And Mingyu can't ignore the sadness bubbling in his heart as he prepares to see Wonwoo kissing someone, someone who might not be Mingyu. Doing something with someone, that Mingyu had always longed to do with Wonwoo.

I don't have the right to be all "jealous" or whatever. I'm not his boyfriend, I'm just, well, his best friend who has a massive crush on him.

Mingyu doesn't even know if Wonwoo even likes guys that way.

Suddenly, Mingyu feels a tap on his shoulder. He's abruptly pulled out of his thoughts, and sees Wonwoo standing in front of him. This can't be happening! He didn't choose me, did he? Did he?! I can't be this lucky. This is like some cliché movie scene or whatever.

Wonwoo doesn't say anything, just puts a hand on Mingyu's neck, pulling him closer, and lightly pressing his lips on Mingyu's. Mingyu feels like he's on fire.

Wonwoo pulls away and Mingyu feels a twinge of disappointment.

Mingyu doesn't know what to feel. His heart feels so happy, yet so disappointed, because he knows that it was just a dare. It's just a dare, not a confession. Not an expression of feelings. He wants this to happen again, he wants to kiss Wonwoo again.

【just a dare】meanieWhere stories live. Discover now