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Mingyu wakes up slowly, groaning sleepily. He buries his head further into what he thinks is a pillow.

"Soft... Mmph-" Mingyu's voice is muffled by the fabric.

"Mingyu?" A soft voice calls. "Are you awake?" Mingyu recognizes it as Wonwoo's voice and smiles

"Yes." He replies, pushing himself up. It's only at that moment in which Mingyu realizes that he had been sleeping on top of Wonwoo.

"Oh my god, Wonwoo, I-I'm so sorry!" Mingyu quickly sits up straight, awkwardly. "I didn't even know, I thought you were a pillow—I just—" He stutters, feeling his cheeks grow warm.

Wonwoo just smiles, shaking his head.

"No worries, Gyu, it didn't bother me." He says reassuringly. "To be honest, it was quite...comfortable?" Mingyu notices the tips of Wonwoo's ears turn pink.

AN ACTUAL ANGEL, Mingyu thinks. He can't help himself, he pinches Wonwoo's cheek adoringly.

"Aww," He giggles. "That's so cute. Not to mention, the fact that your ears are turning pink is also really cute." He teases, but he's serious, Wonwoo is painfully cute. Or hot when he wants to be.

Wait, what?

Mingyu mentally slaps himself. 'No thoughts like that, Mingyu.' He tells himself.

"Shut up, Mingyu." Wonwoo turns away. "I hate you."

Mingyu pouts, staring at Wonwoo with his "puppy dog eyes".

Of course, that works on Wonwoo.

"Why does that face always make me feel so guilty? You know I don't hate you, so-" Wonwoo groans.

Mingyu smirks triumphantly, deciding to press him further. "Then what do you feel about me, Wonwoo, if you don't hate me?"

"You're okay, I guess..."

"Don't you love me, though?" Mingyu pouts.

Wonwoo glares at him and lightly slaps him.

Mingyu stares back innocently.

Wonwoo sighs. "You're impossible, Mingyu. Impossible."

"It's okay, as long as you like me, I'm fine with that." Mingyu grins.

"...Okay." Wonwoo replies. "You're fine with that, then?"

"Way to indirectly let me know that you like me." Mingyu laughs and stands up, stretching, and yawns. (Which Wonwoo thinks is painfully cute.)

Wonwoo coughs. "Anyway, come on, Gyu, let's go have some breakfast before you go home, okay?" He suggests, and stands up, stretching.

Mingyu smiles. "Okay, let's go."

The two of them make their way downstairs, bumping into each other a lot as they try to walk next to each other on the narrow staircase, giggling every time they crash into each other.

"Shh," Wonwoo suddenly stops, clears his throat and says, eyes widening. "My parents are still asleep."

"Well, I'll try to be quieter—"

"Or you could just, you know, not make noise..." Wonwoo mutters.

"You were making noise too, Wonwoo!" Mingyu pushes him, then using his fingers to tickle Wonwoo in the places he knew were most ticklish.

Mingyu smirks. He knows every single spot, thanks to their many years of friendship.

"St—Stop, Mingyu, I—" Wonwoo stifles his laughter, or at least tries to. "Mingyu, I swear!"

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