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author's note: hello everyone, this is The8th chapter of my book. (yeah, I enjoy telling bad jokes.)


Jun looks up, eyes widening, and laughs. "Oh, Mingyu." Mingyu helps him stand up. "Thanks," He says. "I'm not surprised that you just crashed into me, you and your clumsy self."

Mingyu feels a bit relieved, meeting a friend here, and smiles a bit, but he's aware that his smile is stiff and unnatural. "Yeah."

Jun frowns at him. "What's wrong?"


"I can tell something is off, you know... Dude, we've been friends for how many years now... I don't even remember, but I know you pretty well, and I know that something's wrong, so tell me."

Mingyu snorts. "What is happening?" He exclaims jokingly. "Wen Jun Hui, the guy that always likes to stuff his garbage in my backpack and pours water on my head for fun and pushes me in the pool, is caring about me? Impossible."

Jun rolls his eyes. "Don't be stupid, you know that I like to fool around, but that doesn't mean I'm heartless and only like you guys because I can joke around with you. I can be serious too, you know. I have something called a heart."

"I know, I know. I was joking." Mingyu laughs at Jun's serious expression.

Jun isn't amused. "Okay. Anyway. Tell me." He sits down on a bench, patting the space next to him.

Mingyu sits down, sighing.

"It's super ridiculous, but... Listen, my parents are making me date this random girl, and—"

"What? How dare they? Wonwoo isn't a girl, therefore, I don't approve of this girl," Jun starts, and stands up suddenly. (And reminds Mingyu of some kind of angry, disapproving father.)

"Okay, okay, just calm down first, Jun," Mingyu makes him sit back down, before continuing his rant. "And...she's super fake and annoying, in my opinion, like... You know the way some people smile and laugh, you can tell that they're fake and not genuinely nice..."

"Yeah, I get it." Jun nods. "I don't like those kinds of people either, man... I'm sorry that this is happening. Won't your parents allow you to say no, though?"

"I throughly they would," Mingyu traces his finger over the wood of the bench, as if the patterns in the wood are the most interesting thing he's ever seen. At that moment, they are pretty interesting to him, though.

"And they didn't...? Those assholes."

"Yeah," Mingyu sighs. "They didn't. They're just...forcing me into this, and I really don't like it."

"Can you tell them that you like someone else?" Jun suggests.

"Well, I did..."


"The girl was like, "Oh, you can try to like me,". Something like that." Mingyu sighs again.

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