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Wonwoo wakes up, stretching and yawning. He stands up slowly, rearranging his pillows, making his bed as he did every morning.

It feels like a normal day until he's washing his face in the bathroom, and remembers what he did yesterday.

And now he feels like a rock crashed down on him and crushed him.

"I can't believe I did that dare." He mutters to himself. "Stupid."

Once he's dressed in his clothes, he heads downstairs for breakfast.

His mother and father are chatting, stopping to quickly add a cheerful "good morning!" to Wonwoo as he nods at them.

"Is something troubling you?" His father asks, frowning.

Wonwoo froze. His parents could always figure out that he was stressed or in a bad mood.

"I'm just tired, don't worry." He lies. Well, it's part of the truth. He is pretty tired after he couldn't sleep last night, tossing and turning, unable to stop thinking about what he had done.

"Rest up today after school," His mother smiles gently. "Finish your homework quickly so you can relax afterwards."

"I'll try, thanks." Wonwoo stands up, rinsing his plate as he sets it in the sink. He grabs his backpack, heading to the door, waving at his parents.

"Have fun!" His father calls after him.

"It's going to be very fun." Wonwoo mutters to himself sarcastically. He is not looking forward to seeing Mingyu.

He doesn't even know what to do next. Pretend it never happened? Talk to Mingyu about it? Ignore Mingyu? No, probably not that last one. Or any of those, in fact.

He's so lost in his thoughts that he gets the living daylights scared out of him when he arrives at school and someone taps his shoulder.

"Oh gosh—Sorry, Wonwoo, I didn't mean to scare you." Wonwoo relaxes as he recognizes the voice. It isn't Mingyu.

"Oh, it's okay. I was just deep in thought, that's all." Wonwoo explains.

Soonyoung smiles. "I can tell. Anyway, where did you go last night?"

Wonwoo laughs a bit. "Home. I just went home. What did I miss?"

"Your boyfr—I mean, you didn't really miss anything, we just talked randomly." Soonyoung replies, and Wonwoo raises his eyebrows questioningly.

Wonwoo glares at him. "What were you about to say, huh?"

"Oh, please. Don't act like you don't like it." Soonyoung teases, laughing.

"That really doesn't make me feel better about this situation, honestly." Wonwoo sighs. "You know, what I did last night."

"Oh, Wonwoo. Don't worry."

"Easy for you to say, Hosh. I'm just... I'm just so scared that he's going to hate me." Wonwoo sighs again. "I'm not sure what to do next."

"Just marry him—"

Wonwoo sighs. "I don't know why I'm even friends with you sometimes, Soonyoung."

Soonyoung snickers. "Look who's here." He pushes Wonwoo, a little too roughly, and skips away.

Wonwoo falls backwards against the tree from the contact, wincing as a branch gets caught in the back of his jacket.

"Need help?" A voice asks, and Wonwoo looks up to see the one person he didn't want to see at the moment.

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