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"Mom?" Mingyu calls, looking around in the house. He can't find her or his father either. Weird. Ever since he had came out to them as gay, he hadn't seen them, but today they had called him to ask him to return, to talk to them.

"Dad?" Mingyu continues to search for his parents. Suddenly, he walks into the living room, where his parents and many of his other relatives are gathered.

They immediately start shaming him, taunting him, insulting him. Someone even throws a paper ball at his head.

"Take all of your stuff and leave." His mother says sternly.

"We don't want to see you again." Mingyu's father adds. "If you're gay, you're not my son." He pushes Mingyu harshly.

All Mingyu can feel is the pain in his arms as he lifts the boxes of his own belongings, trying to move them out of the house that was never really home to him.

Panic settles within him, however.

Where am I going to go?!

A loud thundering noise sounds outside, and it starts to rain. Mingyu quickly grabs his things, wanting to leave. However, he doesn't notice a branch next to him, and promptly trips over it, and he can't get up. He feels like he's trapped.

Mingyu can't get up, and tries to call for help.

Suddenly, there's a figure approaching him. Wonwoo.

"Wonwoo, help me please." Mingyu says frantically.

Wonwoo's eyes widen. "Mingyu, what happened?" He kneels down to pull Mingyu, trying to help him get up, but that's when they both realize that what's underneath them is quicksand.

Wonwoo and Mingyu exchange a panicked glance.

"Mingyu," Wonwoo sighs. "I think we're both stuck."

A shrill scream fills the air.

___ ♪ ___

Mingyu shakes himself awake. He realizes that it was all a dream, and sighs, relieved. Mingyu shakes his head. What a weird dream.

He glances at Wonwoo sleeping beside him, and kisses Wonwoo's hair gently, as to not wake him up.

Mingyu devides to go take a walk outside to calm down. He checks the time — 3:04 AM. A bit of a weird time to go out and walk, but he needs to cool down, and Wonwoo is asleep. So he can't talk to Wonwoo to calm down, he has to go out and take a walk.

Mingyu carefully grabs a set of clothing, and changes as quietly as he can. He doesn't want Wonwoo to worry about him, so he'll try to go quickly and make it back before Wonwoo is awake, then continue sleeping next to him, as if he never went out.

Once he's changed, he exits the room, shutting the door quietly. Mingyu walks silently, tiptoeing, and opens the front door, stepping out, and closing it silently.

The cold night air hits him, and he looks around at the bright streetlights, lighting up the dark sky.

Night time always makes Mingyu feel some kind of nostalgia. He inhales the cold, fresh air and feels more relaxed.

He walks, and sees two people. Two males, sitting on a bench together. They're holding hands, leaning into each other, which is cute, in Mingyu's opinion. The way they smile at each other makes it so obvious that they're a couple.

They look up as Mingyu walks, panicking, and quickly pull away from each other. Mingyu knows that feeling very, very well. He rushes to reassure them.

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