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"Class, sit down right now. The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do."

(why do teachers do this.)

Mingyu sighs, sitting back down in his seat, resting his head on his arms. He's tired, really tired. Who isn't?

He gets a little too comfortable, however, and before he knows it, he's being shaken awake.

"Dude, wake up." Jihoon says.

"What?" Mingyu lifts his head up quickly, banging his leg on the desk at the same time. "Gosh, that hurts."

Jihoon rolls his eyes. "Good job, clumsy Mingyu. I'm never surprised anymore."

Mingyu just smiles, amused. "I really am pretty clumsy."

"Yeah, definitely. Anyway. I'm going to go meet Soonyoung for something. Bye, see you tomorrow." Jihoon waves. He starts to walk away.

"Okay, bye!" Mingyu waves, calling after him. Jihoon has been spending so much time alone with Soonyoung lately.

Now it's just Mingyu left here. His friends are probably all busy.

He remembers that Jun is tutoring someone who needed help with Chinese, Seungcheol is probably helping clean up the mess that people made in the gym, Dino is probably having a snack while doing homework. Mingyu isn't sure about the others.

He starts to walk towards the front of the school, when he hears someone laughing, but definitely not in a good way, and it makes his stomach churn.

It's more of a taunting laughter, and Mingyu freezes, trying to figure out which direction it's coming from.

He doesn't have a good feeling about this.

Mingyu moves towards the right, near a hallway, and hears the laughter again, louder this time. As he gets closer, he discovers that it's in fact a bully, kicking something on the ground, which Mingyu assumed was another person, the victim of this whole situation.

"You're so fucking stupid, you know that?" The bully taunts, laughing. "Don't you know that it's wrong to be gay? You're good for nothing, even garbage is more useful than you. You're like..." He laughs more. "What, man, I can't even think of something stupid enough to compare you to."

Hell no. Mingyu clenches his fist angrily. Nobody has the right to say that kind of stuff.

"Aren't you going to fight back?" The bully continues. "Or are you too weak?" He laughs, smirking stupidly. "You're skinny as a stick, so I wouldn't be surprised."

He starts to punch the other student, punching and kicking while laughing. The other student seems like he's out of energy. Maybe he's tried to defend himself for too long and just didn't have enough energy...

Mingyu has had enough. He races over, grabbing the bully by the collar of his shirt, throwing him against the ground.

"What the fuck?" The bully narrows his eyes. "Oh, it's you, Kim Mingyu." He says Mingyu's name slowly and tauntingly, as if it's the most disgusting thing on Earth. "I'll have you know that I hate your guts and I think you're pathetic."

Mingyu shrugs. "That's good then, the feeling is mutual. The difference between you and me, though, is that I don't go around and bully innocent people to make myself feel better about my shitty life. Maybe you should learn from me." He looks down to the victim of the bullying incident.

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