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so,, hi. this isn't an update, again, and i hope nobody here wishes to fight me. please.

anyway,,, i'm a highschooler.

this school year for me was very bad (that's kind of an understatement, if i'm honest), i went through a lot of mental and emotional issues like never before and my life turned upside down. (now i'm getting things back together and getting better step by step, though.)

i do dare say it was the worst year of my life.

sometimes i used writing as something to numb myself and feel better but i ended up having no time at all to write, so i put it aside. "just a dare" even before i started to get stressed out/having my life turned upside down by life/ just,,, well, i lost interest in it because i really disliked how i wrote the entire book. i'd been updating "low battery" and enjoying it a lot more and i knew i shouldn't leave readers just hanging there on "just a dare" but i couldn't bring myself to write more. because all i wanted to do was redo the whole book or just stop it because that's how much i disliked the way i wrote it. plus, i think i've improved a lot from when i wrote "just a dare", so i'm not very happy with just a dare of course.

not speaking just for myself, but speaking for all creators; artists, writers, musicians, performers, etc:

please remember that everyone has their own battle their fighting behind that glass screen that you're looking at their creations from.

not only in my case but for many, many other authors here,, i've seen people so disappointed and kind of unsympathetic when someone tries to explain why they can't continue a project or something like that. (most of my messages from people are supportive, and i really thank you all for that. really.) but please, please remember that we're all just humans, none of us are robots who can spit out perfect content every week or something, though maybe we will have robots who do that in the future. (who knows) so please remember to treat everyone with empathy and think about how you'd feel if you were in their shoes !!! it's very important.

this is just something i wanted to say, and i hope you'll actually consider  what i just wrote and be a nice/decent person to your fellow humans !! spread love.

i'll take some time to think about how exactly i'll deal with this book.

thank you to those who support me and other fellow humans, 💗💗💗

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2018 ⏰

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