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a/n i don't really ship jicheol as much (i'm more soonhoon) but this is part of the plot that kind of you know... develops the story and it fits well and explains stuff. so yeah ! enjoy ?


Jihoon thinks about Mingyu and Wonwoo and their entire scenario or whatever. He really wants them to be happy, and to be together, and this whole situation was reminding him too much of something that he would rather not think about. Not to be mean or anything, but sometimes Jihoon thinks Mingyu and Wonwoo are both dense idiots who just can't notice what everyone else notices about each other - the fact that they both really like each other.

He would rather not remind himself about how he was too late. How he was left behind. How the one person that made his heart flutter never looked at him anymore. He himself had eventually moved on, but that wasn't the point.

Yet inside his head, he knows that it wasn't that person's fault. Feelings can't be forced, after all. Jihoon just feels sad sometimes when he thinks of it, but he's not an unreasonable fool - he knows how the world works. Kind of.

But he's afraid that Wonwoo and Mingyu might miss their chance and end up like he himself did.

He knows they both have feelings for each other, which is good, but how is that they don't realize it?

Jihoon sighs, indulged in his spiraling thoughts. He realizes that within his entire group of friends, the only person he's talked about the situation with is Soonyoung. He just trusts Soonyoung the most. And sometimes he gets these weird, fluttery feelings around Soonyoung. But that's not the point.

Jihoon still remembers those days clearly. He laughed and smiled a lot, there was nothing meow he wanted in the world. He was so happy and content.

Back then, Seungcheol joked about himself and Jihoon getting married, even announcing the date. Jihoon remembers his heart skipping a beat, and himself smiling shyly when he heard those words. Of course he knew it was a joke, but anyone can dream, right?

He couldn't help but hope that one day, it could really happen, he could marry the person he loved the most in the world, Choi Seungcheol.

They were so close, so happy with each other, Jihoon really liked him. How kind he was, how handsome he was, everything about him.

"Jihoon, let's get married one day and adopt three dogs!" Seungcheol grins.

Jihoon blushes. "Yeah, yeah. Sure." He turns away shyly.

"So you're agreeing? You will marry me?"

Jihoon rolls his eyes, but is unable to hide his smile. "Yes, that's what I just said. Idiot."

Seungcheol laughs, wrapping his arms around Jihoon in a hug.

"Look forward to my proposal in a few years then!"

And Jihoon feels like the happiest boy alive.

But what happened to them? What happened to everything they went through and everything they had between them?

It turns out, you can fall out of love just as hard as you can fall in love.

And Lee Jihoon found out the hard way. He wondered if there was even an "easy way". Who knows? It's never easy on the heart.

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