⇻ cute moments - part two

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a/n: running out of ideas, ahh!

grayson -

you held grayson's hand as the both of you walked down the street, heading to the nearest starbucks. grayson pulled out his phone, still smiling at what just happened. he opened snapchat and started recording.

"so whenever me and y/n are out walking around in public, y/n likes to hold my hand because she's cute like that, but everytime she goes to hold my hand, she forgets that my hand is broken and she's like 'nooo, i need to hold your hand' and she runs over to the other side to hold my hand and now's she all happy," grayson said, holding his phone out in front of you.

"stoooppp," you whined, hiding your face in the crook of his neck.

"she's so cute," grayson said, unable to hide his smile. he kissed your forehead, happy to be spending time with you.


"what is one thing the other person does that you love?" you asked grayson, reading the tweet that was sent in for the twins' q&a video.

"i don't think there's anything i love about you," grayson said, messing with you.

"shut up, you meanie," you said, pushing him softly, making him laugh.

"he says that there's nothing he loves about y/n, but in reality, grayson can go on and on for hours about how much he loves her," ethan said, interrupting the video. "there was this one time, where he was feeling like, extra happy and lovey-dovey, and he ranted to me about how much he loves her and the cute things she does."

"okay, you can go now!" grayson said, pushing ethan out of the video frame, embarrassed.

"aww, you love me that much?" you said, reaching up to pinch his cheeks.

"you're lucky i even love you," grayson said, blushing and slapping your hands away.


you opened the fridge, looking around for something to eat. you pushed the vegetables and fruits out of the way, looking for something better. you gasped when you found out that you still have leftover cake from your brother's birthday party a couple days ago.

"yes!" you cheered, getting a plate and a knife for your cake. you look over to see grayson smiling at you, but you thought nothing of it and it was grayson being his cute self.

you sat down with your cake and started eating, not caring if you were eating messily. you looked up to see grayson staring at you with a smile on his face, making you feel a little self-conscious. "what?" you asked.

"nothing," grayson said, shaking his head, still smiling, and went back to looking at his phone.

"tell me," you said, throwing a crumpled up paper towel ball at him.

"nothing!" he said again, "you're just cute when you eat." you rolled your eyes at him, but it did make you smile. you thought that it was silly that he would have ever judged you. he would never hurt you, mentally or physically.

"you think everything i do is cute," you said, taking another bite of your cake.

"because it's true!" he exclaimed. "you're cute when you eat, when you stick your tongue out when you're concentrating, when you stand on your tippy toes because you're too short, when you smile, when you're even just standing there."

"i love you, you idiot."

ethan -

"let's get some ice cream!" ethan yelled excitedly. "there's an ice cream truck over there!" he grabbed your hand, dragging you to the ice cream truck. you stumbled after him, laughing at his childishness.

"can i get a scoop of vanilla ice cream of me and a scoop of chocolate ice cream for her, please?" ethan asked the lady who was running the truck.

"of course!" she said, getting your ice creams ready. ethan paid the lady and gave you your ice cream.

"thank you," you said to ethan, licking the sides of the ice cream that was beginning to melt.

"you're welcome, baby," he said, licking his ice cream.

you took a seat on a bench, ethan sitting next to you. he "accidentally" bumped your arm, making the ice cream get on the tip of your nose.

"ethan!" you whined, reaching up to go wipe it off, but he stopped you.

"i got it," he said, leaning in to kiss the tip of your nose, getting the ice cream off. you laughed as pulled away.

"you're so dumb," you said, pushing him softly.

"but you love me," ethan said, switching your ice cream cones.

"i really do," you said happily.


"come back here!" ethan yelled, chasing you around the backyard. you only laughed in response, attempting to hide behind a tree.

you peeked around the tree, looking for ethan, when you feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist from behind, lifting you off the floor and spinning you in circles. you laughed in pure happiness, as he set you down. "i believe you owe me a kiss," ethan said, placing his hand under your chin, lifting your head up softly. you giggled as he leaned down, placing his lips on yours. you smiled into the kiss, unable to contain your joy. he pulled away and rubbed his nose against yours, making you erupt into giggles.

"your giggle is so cute," ethan said, smiling down at you.

"i love you so much."


"describe me in three words," you said to ethan, reaching over to grab a handful of popcorn. you were watching a movie, but it was clear that the both of you didn't want to watch the movie.

"describe you in three words, let's see," ethan said, rubbing his chin and making a thinking face, which made you laugh. "annoying, embarrassing, and mean," he said jokingly.

your mouth dropped open in surprise, and you threw a handful of popcorn at him. "you're so mean!" you yelled, crossing your arms and pretending you were mad.

"aw, i'm joking, baby," he said, arms going your waist and he brought you closer to him. "words aren't enough to describe how amazing you are, but if i had to choose, i'd say beautiful, caring, and optimistic," he said, kissing your cheek.

"aww," you said, smiling widely at his response. "you're so sweet, i love you." you gave him a hug, squeezing the life out of him.

"love you too," ethan said, laughing and out of breath as you were squeezing him too hard.

a/n: lowkey loved how this came out.

thanks for reading! i love youuu!

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