⇻ he cheats - part two (g)

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a/n: i didn't think so many of you guys would want a part two to this haha. it does make me happy though, knowing you like it, so here's the part two you've been waiting for.

third point of view :)

gray -

ethan walked up the front steps that led to y/n's front door, and knocked, preparing to see a sad and crying y/n. it's been three days and ethan hoped that grayson already told her, or he was gonna tell her today.

the door opened, revealing nothing to what ethan had thought. instead of a crying y/n, he was met with a smiling y/n. "hi ethan!" she said excitedly, happy to see her best friend. when ethan saw that she was happy, ethan's heart sunk, knowing that she didn't know about grayson yet and he had to be the one to tell her, but he was also angry that grayson didn't pluck up the courage to tell her. he didn't he faked a smile and replied with a "hey" and walked into y/n's house.

"is grayson here? i haven't seen him for a while," y/n asked, closing the door and taking a seat next to ethan on the couch.

ethan hesitated before answering, not knowing what to say. "no, he's not here, but i do want to talk you about him," ethan said nervously. ethan hated being the one to bring bad news and bring a person down, but he knew better than to not tell her because he knows that it'll make things worse.

y/n frowned and tilted her head in confusion. "what about him?" she asked him. "is there anything wrong with him?" y/n knew everything about grayson, or at least she thought she did. they told each other everything, so for her to hear this, made her worry.

"look y/n, i don't know how to tell you this, but," ethan paused, taking a breath, about to cry himself, knowing how sad she was going to be. "grayson cheated on you. with your best friend."

ethan waited for a reply, but it never came. y/n was too confused to process what ethan just said. it took her a while before she stuttered out a "what?"

"grayson cheated on you with your best friend," ethan said a little more slowly.

"that's not possible," y/n said. "he loves me. he promised me." she held up her right hand, showing ethan the promise ring that grayson gave her. grayson got one too. she remembers the day exactly.

"what's behind your back?" y/n said, giggling as she tried to take a peek behind grayson.

"i'll show you if you sit down," grayson said, reaching out with one hand and softly pushing y/n down into a chair. she reluctantly sat down, sitting on the edge of the chair in anticipation. grayson chuckled softly at her, seeing how excited she was.

he pulled out a small box from behind him, and opened it, revealing two rings. y/n gasped as she covered her mouth in surprise. "grayson?" she exclaimed. "they're beautiful!"

"they're promise rings," grayson said, "i promise to never hurt you, cheat on you, or leave you. do you promise the same thing?"

"i promise," she said, smiling so hard, her cheeks hurt. she teared up a little as grayson slid the ring onto her pinky finger and placed a sweet kiss on her forehead.

ethan felt himself getting angry when she told this memory. grayson broke a promise to her, and that got ethan pissed. grayson never breaks a promise, and for him to break this one, it left ethan speechless. he didn't want to yell or get mad in front of her, knowing she was vulnerable right now, so he calmed himself down.

"no wonder y/bf/n (your best friend's name) wouldn't hang out with me," y.n whispered sadly, "or grayson. they've been acting so weird around me and now i know why."

"i'm sorry sweetie," ethan said, bringing y/n into his chest where she rested her head in the crook of his neck. she let out her tears as she sobbed into ethan's chest, soaking his t-shirt. ethan felt himself letting out a few tears as he wrapped her up tighter in his arms. ethan hated seeing people cry, especially her out of everyone, because little did she know, ethan had grown feelings for her, but he knew better than to steal her from his twin brother. so for the past two years, ethan kept his feelings bottled up. and now he felt like he could tell her how he felt. how he truly felt.

ethan pulled away, revealing y/n's puffy face and tear streaked (or is stained) cheeks. she sniffed and wiped her eyes and apologize for soaking ethan's t-shirt.

"don't worry about it," ethan said softly, reaching over to wipe a few tears off of her cheeks, and for some reason, it made her smile a tiny bit. "can i tell you something?" ethan said.

y/n nodded, as she rested her head on ethan's chest, cuddling into him. "i love you," ethan said, "more than a friend. and i would like to take you out sometime if you'd like. and if you're ready of course. i'm not going to pressure you into doing something you don't want to do. i'd never hurt you in a million years and i promise i'd treat you right, just like a princess, cause you'll be my princess." y/n lifted her head off of ethan's chest and looked up at him. ethan stared lovingly into her eyes. "and i'll be your prince." he whispered.

"can i tell you something too?" y/n whispered. ethan nodded, preparing himself for the rejection he was about to receive. "i think i fell for the wrong twin."

a/n: omg, i did not know how to end this, i/m sorry.

i'm also sorry if this wasn't the ending you wanted, haha. that's sorta why i didn't want to do a part two, so you could imagine a part two where it ended the way you wanted it to, but this is the way that i imagined it, and i hope you like it!

i hope you had a happy monday, i know i did because there's no school, thank god!

thank you for reading, i love you always!

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