⇻ love at first sight (e)

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a/n: guys i'm so close to 100k reads! should i do anything when i reach it?

ethan -
you looked down at your list of groceries that your mom gave you, as you grabbed a shopping cart. you groaned as you realized there was a back side. "why do we need all these things?" you mumbled to yourself, seeing sardines, sauerkraut, and pinto beans.

"y/n! come on!" your little cousin said, pulling on your hand, not actually strong enough to pull you anywhere.

"okay, okay," you said, walking into the store and following your little cousin to the food section.

"okay, do you want to go pick out some cereal for me?" you said, bending down so you were about his height. "it's in the next aisle, and once you get it, i want you to come right back here, okay?"

your little cousin nodded, while giggling and ran off to the next aisle. you stood back up and grabbed a box of pancake mix, along with a bottle of syrup and placing it in the cart. you walked down the aisle, looking for cake mix, noticing a boy your age walking down the aisle, as he was walked passed you, he gave you a small smile, enough to make you blush. you smiled back, before freaking out mentally after he couldn't see you anymore. he was kinda hot in your opinion and you hoped to see again.

"got the cereal!" your little cousin said, running up to the cart and putting in three boxes of different kinds of cereals.

"thanks bud," you said, smiling down at your little cousin.

"who was that?" your little cousin asked, running to catch up to you.

"who?" you asked, looking around for the snack section.

"that boy who smiled at you and made you blush. you were really red," your little cousin laughed, remembering the moment. "do you like him?"

"what? no," you said, "i don't even know him. don't be silly." but did you like him? you don't believe in love at first sight, but now you weren't so sure.

you turned down the aisle grabbing a bag of your favorite chips. "go ahead and grab a bag of chips," you said, placing the bag in the cart and checking it off the list. your little cousin stared at you, as if he was thinking about doing something.

"what? what's wrong?" you said, looking down at your outfit, wondering what was wrong with it. you were wearing a pair of sweats and a plain white t-shirt, nothing wrong with that.

and all of a sudden your little cousin ran into you, causing you to fall back. "hey!" you exclaimed, getting ready to feel the impact of the hard, cold floor hit you, but it never came.

"looks like you fell for me." you felt a pair of arms around you, catching you from falling. you looked up to see the same boy who smiled at you in the cake mix section.

you smiled up at him, while laughing softly. "looks like i did." he helped you up, keeping his hands on your waist longer than he should have, but you didn't mind.

"are you okay?" he asked you, genuinely concerned. "don't want a beautiful girl like you ending up in the hospital." he smiled.

you laughed, finding it funny that he exaggerated so much. the least you would have gotten was a sore head. "i'm okay, thank you." you said. "and thanks for the compliment."

"you're welcome," he said, "i'm ethan."

"i'm y/n," you said, not being able to hide your smile. "it's nice to meet you."

"and it's nice to meet you as well," he said. he turned around when you heard someone call his name. "shoot, i have to go. can i get your number? i would like to meet up sometime."

"yeah, of course," you said, taking his phone and adding yourself into his contacts.

you gave his phone back, and he smiled, slipping it in his pocket. "hope to see you soon, y/n," he said, before running off to his friend.

you bit your lip and smiled, containing your happiness. you turned around to face your little cousin. "you're welcome," you little cousin said, while smiling brightly up at you. "i helped."

you laughed, bending down to give your cousin a hug. "thank you," you said, feeling insanely happy. your little cousin squirmed out of your grip, not liking to be hugged.

"can we get ice cream?" your little cousin asked. "please?"

"you're not supposed to, but after that, you can have all the ice cream you want. let's go!" you said, placing your little cousin into the cart, pushing around as your little cousin screamed in happiness. you as well, for you just fell in love.

a/n: requested by @effervescencee_ , hope you like it! (i lowkey don't think i know how to properly tag people but whatever)

i also tried to not give your little cousin a name, so you could relate more, i guess. i don't know.

the twins are so close to turning 18, they're growing up so fast. i remember when they were just 15, making vines and now they're on mtv. i can't be any prouder.

thank you for reading! i love you!

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