⇻ his girlfriend (g)

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a/n: when you can't come up with a clever title.

grayson -
i sat next to ethan and across grayson and his girlfriend, danielle (a/n: random name again, lol). i guess you could say we were on a double date, even though i'm not dating ethan. grayson wanted us to get to know his new girlfriend a little more and i really didn't want to go. i don't want to see grayson be in love with some other girl and she hated my guts, but he's my best friend, that i'm in love with, so i went for him. ethan was just here so i wouldn't be the third wheel, but also to keep me from breaking down.

so far, this date was going well. except danielle hated me even more that the first time i met her. every time i would talk, she would send me glares that felt like she pierced my soul. every time i talked to grayson, she would interrupt me and start talking about something completely different. she even insulted me a couple times and it took all i had to stop myself from fighting her. she was acting bitchy and she was clearly using grayson for fame.

when the waiter came to take our orders, grayson and ethan decided to split a pizza, i ordered a burger and fries, while danielle ordered a salad.

as soon as the waiter brought our food, danielle just had to say something.

"are you sure you want to eat that? you should probably go on a diet," she said, pointing to my stomach area and looking me up and down.

"are you talking about yourself?" i said right back, tilting my head.

"no i'm talking about you," she said calmly, but i can tell that she was getting mad.

"says the one who was out of breath running from the car to here," i said, taking a bite out of my burger. i heard ethan and grayson stifled their laughs. when danielle looked at grayson, he tried to cover it up with a cough.

after i finished eating, i got up to use the bathroom, when danielle tripped me, causing me to hit my head on the ground. "fuck," i mumbled, feeling a rush of pain going to my head. i felt someone help me up, thinking it was ethan, but i turned around and it was grayson. and he looked pissed.

"we're done," he said to danielle, immediately wiping that smirk of her face.

"w-what?" she said, a look of shock of her face.

"we're done. we're over," he said.

"i didn't do anything," she said, with a sad look on her face.

"i'm not gonna sit here and watch you hurt the girl i love," he said. "i never want to see you again."

"you'll regret this," she said, grabbing her purse and storming out of the restaurant.

"is your head okay?" grayson asked, ignoring what just happened. he carefully pried my hand off my head.

"it hurts," i whine. i hit it pretty hard and i feel like my brain is mush. he carefully moved my hair back, making me wince a little.

"sorry," he mumbled. he looked at my head and saw a look of worry run across his face. "it's forming a bruise, a pretty big one."

"ow ow ow," i said, as he ran his fingers over the bruise. i moved away and covered it back up with my hand.

grayson went to get me some ice and i sat back down. he came back and handed me the ice pack.

"thanks," i said. he nodded in response. "so, you love me."

"uh yeah, about that," he said. he opened his mouth, about to explain, but i cut him off by placing my lips on his. he was taken aback by my sudden movement, but he placed his hand on my back and kissed me back.

he pulled away and looked at me. "you love me back?" he whispered.

"always have, always will."

a/n: yay! another update! thanks for reading! ily (unedited)

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