My Lucia

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It's been months since Davina came into our lives. She is a very strong and independent child. Her circumstances reminds me of my Lucia.....


Laughter fills the air of my room as Victor and I tangle ourselves in my sheets. My whole body sank forward into his arms. His lips moved against mine, exploring my mouth so gently. I tried to mimic his movements--slowly, uncertainly, until I didn't have to think about it at all. He let out a soft moan at my reaction and cupped his hands behind my head, pulling me closer until I couldn't tell where my mouth ended and his began.

A deep cough broke us apart, making me sit beside Victor on the bed, placing my sheet over my chest. The source being my lovely son, Marcellus.

"I believe I taught you that doors were meant to be knocked on, Marcellus Gerard."

His eyes roll as he scoffs. "Right, so sorry to interrupt fun time with stepdaddy Victor. Momma, we have bigger problems."

I deeply groan. "What is wrong today, my son, that you could not handle?"

He passes me a file and I skim through it. Victor leans in to look over my shoulder at the file. His bare chest touching my shoulder blade.

"There has been an increase in vampires in the last few months around Louisiana. Which means there have been an increase in dead bodies. Usually, this wouldn't be a problem, but it's starting to come around closer to New Orleans."

I sit the file to the side and get up with the sheet still around me. Grabbing some clothes, I flash into the restroom and change. I come back out after I finish and pick back up the file. "Alright, let's go."

~time lapse~

Marcellus and I arrive to the coroner from the next town over. They latest victims laying on slats before us. The man looks at us bewildered. "Who are you? You don't belong here."

Marcellus steps forward. "We are investigating these murders and need to know what we are looking at."

The man shakes his head. "I'm sorry, but I cannot give you that information."

Getting impatient, I step to him and dilate my eyes. "Alright Doc, tell us everything we wish to know, or you will be the next one on these slats."

His voice shakes. "T-the v-victims have t-two holes at the sides of their necks and their bodies were completely drained of blood." He shows us the marks on each victim and Marcellus look at them, then at each other. Definitely a vampire.

I look to the man. "Thank you, now forget we were ever here." We speed out of the morgue. As we go to leave, screams fill the air.

Without warning, I speed to the scream to find a vampire feeding on a woman. There is a pile of bodies next to them. I dig my hand into his back and pull out his heart making him drop, pulling the girl with him. Marcellus, who followed me, fed the girl blood and compelled her to forget what happened and go home.

Suddenly, I hear heavy breathing. I walk towards a dumpster slowly. "Who's there? Show yourself!"

To my surprise, a young girl pops out from next to the dumpster. She looks no more than 13. Her hair long and dark, with dark eyes to match. "Please don't hurt me!" I step closer making her step back and against the wall.

I look into her eyes and I realize something that made me look at Marcellus in horror. "She is in transition." I look back to the child. "Come with me." I reach out and she cowers back. "I'm not going to harm you. I give you my word." She looks into my eyes and must have believed me, because she took my hand. "We have much to discuss."

~time lapse~

Little Gerard and I are sitting in the compound speaking with the girl, who said her name was Lucia. She informed us that she was an orphan who grew up on the streets of New Orleans, surviving by thievery. We told her about her choice to die or become one of us. "So if I drink blood, I will become a vampire and stay 13 forever?"

I gently nod. "Yes, that is correct. You will no longer age, and you cannot die unless you are staked, your heart is pulled or your head is removed." Her hand consciously goes to her neck. "The choice is yours Lucia. Just know, you will have a family here if you choose to feed. You will never be alone again."

Lucia looks at me and slowly smiles. "I wish to feed."


That day was 15 years ago. Since then, Lucia has become my daughter. I love her just as much as I do Marcellus. Davina has great potential and I see myself in her. My human self. I can't wait to see what she can do.

I know it wasn't the best! But do not fret my loves! There is so much more to come! Keep commenting, I love to hear your opinions and ideas!

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