Not Gone After All (Part 2)

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Rousseau's Bar New Orleans
3rd POV

Sophie is chopping vegetables at the restaurant, clearly upset. She turns around and is startled to see Klaus standing there. "You're Klaus."

Klaus smirks. "I am. And you're upset. Sophie, isn't it? I assume this is because of what I just witnessed with your sister on the corner of Royal and St. Ann?"

Sophie works more roughly in aggravation. "Did you enjoy the show?"

Klaus scoffed. "It was a little melodramatic for my tastes. What did your sister want with me? Why did Marcel kill her?"

Sophie opens her mouth to speak but then notices a few men arriving at the bar. "I see you brought friends."

Klaus turns and looks at the men, then back to Sophie. "They're not with me."

Sophie cleans her hands. "They're with Marcel. That's all that matters. I know you built this town, but this is his and his mother's town now. He killed my sister because she broke the rules. So I talk to you in front of them, I'm next."

Klaus's widen in surprise. "Excuse me, did you say his mother?"

Sophie nods. "Elizabeth. If you ask me, she is the nice one of the two."

Sophie turns and leaves. Klaus takes in the information he was just given. Lizzie is alive?

Shaking it out of his mind for the moment, he approaches the men at the bar and sinks his grip into their shoulders. "Are you two gentlemen following me?"

The first man is not phased. "Marcel said we're your guides."

Klaus smiles menacingly. "Oh, he did, did he?" The man nodded. "He did. Well then, let me be exceedingly clear about something...." He leans in. "If either of you follow me again, you'll do so without the benefit of a spine."

He tightens his grip until the bartender, Camille, approaches them. "Sorry for the wait. If you're here for the gumbo, I'm about to break your heart. We just ran out."

Klaus releases the men and places a 100-dollar bill on the bar with a smile to the blonde bartender. "Your oldest Scotch for my two friends here, love." She takes the bill, smiles, and walks away. Klaus resumes his hold on the men. "If Marcel wants to know what I'm up to, he can ask me himself." Klaus lets go of them roughly and leaves.

He looks up to find a familiar face staring back. Her brown eyes and sly smirk just as it was the night he last seen her.


She nods for him to follow into the Quarter. He finds her standing next to the severely burnt opera house. He approached her and stood by her side, but said not a word.

Elizabeth's POV

We stood there for several moments, when I finally speak. "For almost 20 years, this is where I stood. Waiting, hoping, someday, one of you would return. Turn back and see if we had survived. Then, one day, I realized you never would. I moved on and built something from the ashes of that night. Yet almost 100 years later. Here you stand." I turn to him and he turns to face me.

After a moment, he finally spoke. "You survived. I just...."

My chuckle fills the air. "Can't believe it? I'm guessing a regular vampire wouldn't have survived, but you forget I'm part witch. I used my brain and made it look like he didn't miss." I go to walk, but I am suddenly embraced. Even though I should hate him, I missed my best friend.

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