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3rd POV

Klaus continues to paint while Genevieve updates him on the events of the day, wearing only a robe and her underwear. "You should have seen your brother's face when Hayley walked in." She says with a laugh.

"Ah. So, the Crescent curse is broken, then?"

Genevieve ignores the question and asks one of her own. "Do you believe this will actually work? That we can finally have some semblance of peace in this city?"

Klaus goes to reply, but Cami barges into the room unannounced. "I saw the light from the courtyard and took a chance that..." She notices Genevieve in her underwear. "You weren't with a half-naked psychowitch. Seems I gambled, and lost."

Genevieve smirks. "Ten minutes ago, I was fully naked."

Cami smirks back sarcastically. "Oh! Then you served your purpose. Don't let me hold you up."

Genevieve's smirk fell into a frown. "You O'Connells sure do love to piss off witches." She gets up and leaves Cami and Klaus to talk, bumping Cami's shoulder on the way.

Cami watches and waits until Genevieve has left before turning back to the Original. "Really? The woman tried to blackmail me into stabbing you with the mystical knife of excruciating pain!"

Klaus's eyebrows raised in amusement as he continues to paint. "Well, New Orleans breeds nothing if not strange bedfellows, but I assume you're not here to question me on my leisure activities." He stops painting and gives her his full attention.

She sighs and steps closer. "I'm here about my uncle. He's deteriorating. The pills, the meditation, they're not working. His lucidity's shrinking by the day. A witch did this, a witch can undo it. You seem super-tight with Genevieve... maybe you could persuade her to help."

He sadly shakes his head. "It won't do any good. These hexes, they start with magic, but as they take root, they alter the very chemistry of the brain. I'm sorry, Cami. The damage is done."

Cami's heart aches at the response. How could he just not try? That's her family. She glares at the hybrid. "I refuse to accept that, and you would, too, if you had any concept of family. So, I'm going to find someone who does." She huffs and storms out, looking for the one member of the Original family that will attempt to help.

Elizabeth's Room
Elizabeth's POV

I was sitting at my vanity brushing my hair and humming to myself, when Camille comes in. She looks distraught and angry. "I hate Klaus."

This makes me grin and let out a light giggle. "Get in line, sweetheart. You are not the first, and certainly won't be the last." I say, putting my hair up in a bun. I let out a happy sigh at my hair, then turn to face the young blonde. "Out of curiosity, do tell what my dearest brother-in-law did to make you so upset."

Camille lets out a deep breath and sits on the edge of my bed. "I came to him to try and get him to have Genevieve to help get rid of the hex Bastiana put on my uncle, but he shot me down. Telling me it was hopeless."

"I'm sorry, Camille, but he isn't entirely wrong. Hexes are very powerful magic. Once it is in your system, it's hard to get out. That's its job."

"Please, Elizabeth. Will you just try? It's all I can ask." She sees the hesitation on my face. "You are the only one who has been a constant when it comes to family. Even when going against Marcel, you still had loyalty to him. If anyone knows the value to family it's you. Kieran is the only family I have left. Please, don't let me watch him die without being able to say I tried everything I could."

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