Old Friends

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"Non timor, non est causa pugna. Da mi pila luminis." Davina chants softly with her palms open. I am teaching her basic spells out of my book so that she can grow into a strong witch and control her powers. A tiny light sparks and she grins and gets excited. "I almost had it!"

An amused smile fills my face. "You need to focus. Don't just think with your mind what you want, feel with your heart. Then, one day....." I open my hands to show a ball of light. Davina looks at it in awe. "....you won't need full spells for simple things. If you keep practicing, you will soon become Queen of witches."

Davina sighs. "I'll never be as powerful as you."

My hands reach out and hold each shoulder. "Davina, you have power that matches, if not, greater than mine. You just need to learn to control it, and use it for good."

Her worry disappears from her eyes and she starts the spell again. "Non timor, non est causa pugna. Da mi pila luminis."

Suddenly, my phone rings. "Excuse me, Dear. I'll be just a moment." I walk out of her room, into the hall for privacy.


"Lizzie! How is my favorite hybrid?"

"As I live and breathe. Damon Salvatore...."

"The one and only!"

Flashback 1972

A couple walks down the sidewalk too into each other to notice another couple getting closer. The couples halt in front of another. My smile widens. "Look what we have here, Victor.  What do you think?"

Victor looks at the other couple and slowly licks his lips. "Lunch."

In unison, we grab the couple and compel. "Don't scream, don't run, do exactly as we say." The couple, frightened now, look in horror but stay put.

"Let's go for a stroll in the ally way shall we?" Nodding in approval, Victor grabs the man, and I the woman. As soon as we get in the darkest part our fun begins. Our fangs sink deep. Blood rolling down our skin.

Suddenly, a voice calls out making us freeze. "Geez, couldn't be any more obvious. If you're gonna eat, do it inside a room where there can be no witnesses!" I immediately pull away and speed to the voice, holding him against the wall by the throat.

"Easy Hot Fangs, not judging!" Veins creep under his eyes and fans enhance his smile. "I only wish to join."

A dark smirk slithers onto my lips and one look to Victor makes it known we have an agreement.

That wouldn't be the last we seen of Damon. Victor and I spent a week every two years with him. Damon learned from us, and vise versa. He told us his story and of his brother Stefan. I told him, my history and about how Victor and I came to be. We became the deadliest of friends.


"To what do I owe the pleasure for this random phone call?"

"Well, I kinda need a favor... I'm here in mystic falls and I need your help."

"How did I know you wanted something? Why do you need my help?"

"....look it's hard to explain everything, but long story short, I need help flipping someone's switch."

"Let me guess, girlfriend or Stefan?"

"Girlfriend. Lizzie, please, I love her. Plus, this could be another vacation for you! Bring Victor along, if you are still a thing!"

"Well, I could use a break.... Alright, I'll be there tomorrow, but Damon... "


"Don't waste my time." With that,  I hung up.

What do you guys think? Enjoy a taste of Damon Salvatore? Crossovers are so fun! Let me know your ideas and your thoughts in the comments!!!

Old Flames Die Hard(Elijah Mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now