Dear Juliet

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Dear Juliet.

     We kiss for a while longer and decide to go to sleep. I lay down on the bed and crawl under the covers while you stand on the other side of the bed awkwardly. I get comfortable and realize that you haven't even tried to lay down. 

     "What's wrong? Aren't you tired?" I ask. I'm genuinely confused. Why would you be nervous? And then it hits me; why else would a girl be nervous to lay on the smae bed with a guy. You blush profusely. "It's just...I just...We can't...Your mom..." You stutter out. It's kind of adorable.

     "I told you. I'm not going to do anything. You can trust me." You still look uncertain. "Look, I trust you." You say. "It's just...Brandon tried some things. You know, to do some stuff. He would drop subtle hints about it every time we were with his friends, and some not-so-subtle hints when we were alone. He was trying pretty hard to get me to crack and let him..well, you know. I didn't let him, but he harassed me about it all the time. And he said if I ever left him, he'd tell people that I..That we.."

     You look down in embarrasment and a single tear slowly trickles down your cheek. I throw the covers back off of me and walk over to you slowly. I stop just in front of you and use my index finger to wipe the tear away and it leaves a streak on your face.

     "I would never do that to you." I whisper, leaning my forhead against yours so you have to look into my eyes. "And I'm never letting him near you again."I give you a soft kiss and walk over to the bed. "Devin, I just told you I was uncmfortable with..."  You trail off when you see that I'm making the bed again. 

     "What are you doing? Aren't we going to sleep?" I finish and walk over to you. "I've thought of a compromise," I say as I walk you over to the bed and gently make you lie down. Then I walk over to the other side of my queen bed and lay down over there, making sure to leave at least 2 feet of space between our bodies. 

     I reach out my hand, and you slide your fingers into mine. You look confused. "How is this a compromise?" You ask, snuggling the back of your head down into the soft pillow. 

     "Because now you get to keep your reputation and your comfort. And I get to keep close to you. Everybody wins." 

     I close my eyes and smile, and I feel you lean over and kiss my cheek. "You really are a good guy, Dev..." 

     And then I remember nothing else but the feel of your hand enclosed in mine because I'm asleep.

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