Dear Juliet

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    Dear Juliet. 

      I saw you again today. At your locker. You looked so beautiful as you tucked a loose strand of long blonde hair behind your ear. You're blue eyes sparkled as your friend told you something that happened to her in math. 

    You laughed then, the most beautiful sound I'd ever heard in my life. It made my heart jump and my vision sharpen. When I'm around you, I see all the beautiful things in life, and you're at the center. You're so sweet, beautiful and selfless. You are the best person in this dirty old school. You make my life seem less dark.

     You light up the school with your presence, and you don't even know it. But everyone else does, and I wish I could call you mine. Just to be the clip in your hair would be enough, because it would mean that I could be close to you.

     You light up my world, and you don't even know. I blend into the background; nobody notices me. Not even you, though you try. You're boyfriend walked up, and you smile at him, though you don't seem as happy as you were a few seconds ago. I worry about you, you know. I think I could love you, if you let me. 

     I can only dream you'd ever love me. You're about to walk past me, hand in hand with your boyfriend.

     A book wobbles on top of the stack you're carrying, and I reach out and catch it before you dropped it.  Your eyes snap to me, and I smile sheepishly, handing your book back to you. 

     "Sorry." I mumble. You smile, and laugh. "Quick reflexes, Devin." You say. And you laugh at the red in my cheeks. It's not mocking, just happy. You walk away, looking back over your shoulder once. So you have noticed me. 

    It was at that moment I decided that I wanted to make you laugh like that every day.


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