Dear Juliet

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Dear Juliet

     I walked all the way to school thinking about you. And after narrowly avoiding being hit by two cars, a bus, and a motorcycle, I figured it would best if I at least tried to focus on not getting myself killed.

     I didn't want to get there and stand around waiting for you to show up, but I couldn't wait to see you either. So I decided to go inside and wait at my locker, which was conveniently close to yours.

     I waited until the halls were empty, and I only had two minutes to get to class, but you never showed up.

     Trying to think positively, I just told myself that you would show up eventually and we'd sort through this mess together as soon as you got here.. 

     We don't have first period together, so I had to wait until second period Spanish together.  Sadly, we also had that class with Brandon. I figured that you would have figured out a way to tell Brandon in that class since that's the only one we all had together.

     I couldn't have been more wrong.

     I walked into the classroom, and it took a minute before I could find you in all the chaos. When my eyes finally land on you in the back of the classroom, I wish I hadn't seen you.

     Your encased in Brandon's arms, his fists are tangled in your long golden hair, and your lips are pressed hungrily against his.

     I don't spend a second longer looking at you guys. I whirl around and stumble out of the classroom, fighting tears.

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