Dear Juliet

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Dear Juliet,

     You eventually had to leave to go home, and I already wished you were back as you walked out the door. I wait until you reach the end of my driveway and unlock your car until I burst out of the house and run full speed down the lawn like a psychopath. 

     "Bethany! Wait!!" I yell dramatically, even though you haven't even gotten into your car yet. I run down the lawn and onto the concrete driveway. You raise an eyebrow as I continue to make a scene by bracing myself on my knees and panting heavily. 

     "Just say..that I missed you." I say as I straighten up, and grin. You slap me playfully through the open window of your car. "You're an idiot." You say, and whatever smart remark I might have made was forgotten when you kissed me.

     This one was a lingering, sweet, goodbye kiss. It seemed to last forever and when we break away we're both gasping for air.

     "If that's what I get for being an idiot then I might just make it a habit." I joke, and you smile happily. I grab your hand and entwine our fingers, bringing your hand up to my lips for a kiss. 

     "Ah, parting is such sweet sorrow." I say with a  mock bow, and you laugh, one of the most beautiful sounds I've ever heard.

     "Yes it is. And I'd love to stay with you longer, but I have to go now. My parents are going to kill me for being out so late when I get home. Not to mention that I was out with a boy."

     I smile as you pull away and get into your car. It's already around 8:00. Great. You're parents will hate me already. 

     I watch you drive away and slowly walk into the the house after you're gone. I'm thinking too much to be hungry, so I go up and head straight to bed.

     This is going to be a long night filled with sleepless, dreaming hours. And tomorrow is going to be insane. Brandon and the whole football team will be out to get me, the other cheerleaders will judge me, and I'll get labeled by everyone as the girlfriend thief or something equally stupid.

     But as I lay in bed that night staring at my ceiling and thinking of your dazzling smile, I realize that to me, you're completely worth all of it.

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