Dear Juliet

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Dear Juliet.

I'm really sorry. But you wouldn't understand. You live in a different kind if world; one where everyone is nice and accepted. But the rest of us live in the real world; where people are bullied simply because they aren't cool enough.

Look, you're beautiful, smart, and sweet. You're gonna get somewhere in life.

Me: not so much.

So hanging out with me isn't exactly helping you. I don't know why I ever thought anything could happen between us. That we could have something special.

Clearly it can't. After I throw my tray away, I wander around the school, these thoughts swirling through my head.

I'm totally oblivious to everything and everyone until a hand touched my shoulder. I've only seen a few people out here; almost everyone is at lunch.

I turn around swiftly, ready to tell some stupid sophomore to back off, when I see you.

I stand there in confusion and silence. What are you doing? Usually people leave me alone once I tell them off, so why didn't you?

You attempt a smile, but it comes out more as a grimace. "You didn't really mean what you said, right?"

You look like you desperately want to believe that, but I can't let you.

"I meant every word." I say. "Even if your highness isn't pleased, I can't help how I feel."

That part is true, but I don't hate you. Its the opposite actually.

"I know why you did that." You say. "To protect me from Brandon's anger. But I also know that you have to feel something for me, or else you wouldn't have done that." I'm impressed. You're not far off.

I shake my head. "You don't know anything about me." I snap angrily. But at the heartbroken look at your face, I soften a little. "But if you did, you'd know to stay away from me. You deserve better. And Brandon is not it. Don't get me wrong, I isn't me either; I'm not right for you any more than he is. But there are people who are. You don't need me."

A tear slips from your eye and rolls down your cheek. You're shaking, hopefully from anger. That would be the best thing for the both of us. Right?

"You're right." You say. "I don't need you." My heart plummets. I need this to happen, but I wish I didn't have to. "But I want you. More than anything. And I'll wait until you see that." Then you turn on your heel and walk away, leaving me to stare after you sadly.

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