Two: Hate

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[Name] shivered and her heart jumped as she felt a hand touching her shoulder. She turned around ready to say something, but stopped seeing who the person was.

"Oh, it's you, Kenma", she said and looked down again.

"You hoped that I'm Kuroo, right?", he asked and sat down as the girl shrieked. She hid her face her arms and tuked her legs under her.

"There's no point in lying. Did he tell you?", she muttered.

The boy looked at the sky and replied, unimpressed:

"No. I guessed after Kuroo told me not to ask you about yesterday. Well, in fact I already conjectured yesterday when... we found you", the last words sounded uncertainly.

He realised I was crying, she thought, but just continued to listen.

"[Name], you should know that Kuroo is sometimes an idiot", he said with comically serious voice.

It made [Name] laugh involuntarily.

"Yeah, I know", she smiled to herself, "I know, but still, I can't give up on him", she said and hid her face again.

She couldn't let Kenma see her cry again.

That wasn't her nature.

The next day, when she was heading to the changing room before the morning practice, she heard a conversation in the boy's room. Normally she wouldn't eavesdrop, but when she heard Kuroo's voice she got petrified. So she also couldn't help but grasp her name mixed into the dialogue.

"I've seen crying [Name] not far from your house", Kenma said.

"Oh, did you?", Kuroo answered, trying to sound indifferent.

If [Name] could look through the door, she would see Kenma's eyebrow going up.

"She was at your place, right?"

A silence resounded.

"What did you tell her? She was heartbroken", he enquired.

"Nothing", the bedhead boy answered.

"Kuroo-", his friend started but was interrupted.

"I just told her not to have any hopes and to leave me alone", Kuroo answered and sighed.

"Why did you do that?", Kenma was apparently astonished.

"It will be easier for her to hate me", Kuroo said bitterly.

"So you indeed rejected her. You really don't like her?"

"I- No, she's just a friend", he answered, his tone signalising he wants to end the conversation.

After a while they stepped out of the changing room and headed to the gymnasium.

At the same time, [Name] was panting round the corner, processing information she just gained possession of.

She knew. She knew Kuroo wouldn't do that. He wouldn't hurt her without a reason. Though she felt like she was just rejected once again, she was relieved. It was like always. Kuroo was just Kuroo.
Nothing has changed.

Nothing... - she felt the tears forming in her eyes.

Has... - she moved her back against the wall she was leaning on.

Changed... - she hid her face in her hands.

As they quickly became wet, she tried to calm down her heart which was now hurting like hell. How could she give up on him when he was so nice?

Promise (Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader) Haikyuu!!Where stories live. Discover now