Seven: Perfect

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"[Name], I need your help", Kuroo's voice came from behind the girl, who was heading towards the gymnasium's door, ready to leave after evening practice.

She turned around to face the confounded boy, scratching the back of his head.

"What's that?", she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Tomorrow I have a test from English and Kenma was going to help me with studying, but when he heard the subject he said he doesn't know how to do it and he made a suggestion to ask for your help", Kuroo explained and bowed.

"Okay, I don't have any plans for today, after all", she simply replied. It wasn't the first time Kuroo asked her for this kind of favour.

The boy straightened up and smiled.

"Thank you! Then let's go over to my place", he proposed to which [Name] nodded approvingly.

They were sitting in Kuroo's room, the girl pointing at the book lying in front of them.

"This expression is used when-".

"You're amazing, [Name]", Kuroo interrupted to [Name]'s surprise. She blushed lightly and looked at the boy.

"What's with you all of a sudden?"

"I just am pretty respectful for you to be able to teach me English, even though I'm one year older. You're a good student despite all the work at the club, aren't you?", he asked.

"I don't have to be a good student to be better than you in English", [Name] riposted, trying to sound indifferent to Kuroo's words, but the truth was that they made her really happy. "Still, you're the one who seems to be perfect here", she mumbled, avoiding the boy's look.

Kuroo turned his head to her, questioning expression on his face.

Realising what she said, [Name] quickly explained:

"W-well, at least that's what most of the girls would say. If they knew you as much as I do, I'm sure they would realise how much of a nerd you truly are", she said on one breath, her face becoming crimson red.

Kuroo pouted.

"Hey! I'm not a nerd!"

"I'm pretty sure you're like ninety percent of a nerd", the girl persisted, relieved that she distracted the boy's attention from what she said earlier.

"So what's the remaining ten percent?", he asked defiantly.

"An even bigger nerd", she replied without hesitation.

Kuroo winced but resigned from quarreling, as they still had a work to do.

"Okay, continue what you were saying before I interrupted you", he pleased and bended over the book once again.

She did what he said, but her thoughts were still far away from the subject.

What she fired earlier wasn't fully a lie. From the moment she met Kuroo, she considered him to be kind of perfect. Though she was aware of his flaws, she still found him more handsome, interesting and intelligent than any average boy. His passion to volleyball was something to admire; his strategic thinking and intelligence were amazing in her eyes; he was funny and had distance to himself, not to mention his good looks - he was tall, muscular, had piercing yellow eyes and raven black, though extremely messy, hair.

"Have you finished writing?", [Name] whined, lying on the floor, rolling from side to side.

Kuroo sighed. Though she was quite a good teacher, she was terribly impatient.

Promise (Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader) Haikyuu!!Where stories live. Discover now