Four: Try

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"I hate biology!", [Name] moaned, rolling around on the floor in Kuroo's room.

"You'll never learn anything if you don't sit down and read my notes", the boy said decisively, though he was smiling.

"I don't want to. I want to play with Kenma", she lumbered to the blonde male who was playing some game in the corner.

"Is that a new one?", she asked, ignoring Kuroo's menacing gaze.

"Mhm", Kenma nodded, without taking his eyes off the screen.

"Oh! You have to kill the dragon?", the girl inquired.

"Yes. But he's defence is pretty good".

"Try hitting him on the neck after his first attack".

As soon as he listened to the advice, the game ended and a large "you won" appeared on the screen.

The boy looked at [Name] with recognition.

"You're smart".

"Oh! Did I get complemented by master Kenma? I feel blessed", she exclaimed with a humble voice.

He started the next level and replied with a monotone voice:

"It's not like I said something new".

"What do you mean?", [Name] asked.

"Everybody knows you're clever, at least everybody on the team", Kuroo interjected, trying to remind the two that he still was there.

[Name] turned to him and then to Kenma.

"Aren't you two saying all these nice things to make me feel better after being rejected by certain someone?", she aimed to say it in jocular tone, but a little bit of grief could still be heard.

"I've been telling you that for a long time-", the bedhead boy started, but was interrupted.

"Right, sorry. And thank you", she smiled, "by the way, what were you saying about that GOM?"

"That's GMO", he sighed, "in some ways you are dumb".

[Name] pouted.

"Do you want me to remind you how you wrote that Edo period took place in antiquity?", she riposted.

Kuroo blushed.

"That's... that was in the junior high. Kenma, I asked you not to tell anyone!", he turned to his friend who managed to finish two more levels while they were quarrelling.

"Did you?", he said with bored voice.

The tall male sighed and pointed on the notes lying on the table in front of [Name].

"You've got test tomorrow, right? Then let's finish this quickly".

The girl nodded and concentrated her look on the notebook.

It was the first day of her efforts to stop liking Kuroo. Thirty days seemed so few, but procrastinating on it would lead to nothing. She had to brace together and forget about him.

She felt a warm breath on her neck which nearly made her jump.

Don't look at him. Don't look at him. Don't look at him. Don't look at him.

Her eyes locked on the finger resting on the notebook. She slowly moved her arm from under the table and started stretching it out towards the boy's hand. But as soon as she touched it, she rapidly stood up, panting.

[Name] was staring at her palm, still feeling the warmth of Kuroo's skin.

She felt like crying. If she couldn't even control herself, then how will she give up on him?

Promise (Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader) Haikyuu!!Where stories live. Discover now