Six: Hunch

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"[Name] is pretty good, isn't she?", Kuroo accosted Kenma, while they were walking out of the gymnasium after the evening practice.

The boy looked up from over the console.

"Yeah, she is pretty if that's what you mean. Why are we talking about this? It's not your style to talk about girls".

"Because, y'know, I guess I've never really realised that she was attractive until recently".

Kenma raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I guess it all depends on your taste".

"So you wouldn't want to kiss her?", Kuroo asked, avoiding his friend's surprised look.

"I don't know, I guess no, since we're friends. Why are you asking?", he enquired.

"It's nothing", Kuroo assured, but his tone was revealing the burden inside his head.

"Don't tell me that you suddenly fell for her?".

Kuroo blushed.

"No, how could I change my mind so quickly?!", he jibed and paused. " But sometimes when I see her, I have some strange feeling in my chest. Like... you know... like my abs were cramping. But it doesn't really hurt, it just tingles a little bit. And I got this feeling the day she was sleeping in my room, with those messy hair and peaceful face. And... and her shoulder showing from the oversized t-shirt. Y'know... I guess it would turn on many boys, wouldn't it? And many boys would like to touch her then. And maybe even kiss-"

"Kuroo, did you kiss her?", his friend asked with serious voice.

The boy's face became even more crimson.

"N-no! Of course not. Well, maybe I tried, b-but I didn't. She whined and scared me, so I didn't do that at the end, fortunately".

"Are you sadist?", Kenma asked.

"That's why I said "fortunately". I didn't want to hurt her. It was just a moment of distraction".

"And you say that you wanted to kiss her more times than that?"

"No! Maybe... I don't know. I just had this feeling, but that's the first time I was this close to her".

"As your friend, I would say that you should consider if you really don't like her. But as her friend I know that it would be better if you didn't mess anything up. Especially if you're not sure about your feelings".

"I am sure! I don't like [Name]!".

Suddenly, the boys heard some step behind them. After turning around they saw the girl standing with a dazed look on her face.

"[Name], I didn't-", Kuroo started but was interrupted.

"I know", the girl said, fastening her eyes on the ground.

"It's not-", he tried once again, but didn't finish.

"I said I know!", [Name] squeaked and clenched her fists. She lifted her shoulders as the tears started dropping from her eyes, which were now hidden behind the [h/c] locks.

Kenma stood in silence, while Kuroo took a step towards the girl.

Seeing this, [Name] moved aback, shivering.

"I don't want to hear this once again! Not from you. Even though I know that fully well, you saying that is just too much to take. And seeing you every time just reminds me of that. Tough I try to give up on you, it's so difficult", she lifted her teary face and looked at Kuroo, ignoring Kenma who was now trying to escape the awkward situation.

Promise (Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader) Haikyuu!!Where stories live. Discover now