Five: Inexplicable

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Kuroo shrieked. He pulled back, surprised by his own behaviour.

What was he trying to do? Did he want to kiss [Name]? Why?

He stood up and quickly left the room.

In the bathroom, he splashed his face with a cold water to cool down.

Thanks god that the girl made a sound before he would do what he was about to do. How would he explain that to her? "Sorry, I had the sudden urge to kiss you"?

He really was an idiot. And a pervert, to boost.

He was the one saying they're just friends and there he goes and acts like that.

He widened his eyes with a sudden realisation.

If [Name] woke up, she would never forgive him.

She tries so hard to stop liking him and he nearly ruined everything.

What a horrible person he was.

Something couldn't get off his back.

It was this strange feeling in his chest he got while seeing [Name]'s peacefully sleeping face.

It was because it wasn't the first time he felt something like this watching this girl.

"[Name], how are you feeling?", a caring voice woke the girl up.

Kuroo's mother was bending over her with a thermometer in her hand.

"Good, thank you. And sorry for the problem", she replied feeling guilty for causing trouble to the woman.

"That's nothing, Tetsu's friends are always welcome here", she smiled, "but now I have to check if you still have a fever", saying that, she handed [Name] the thermometer.

The girl took it and put it under the armpit.

"Where is Kuroo?", she asked.

"He's in the school. He didn't want to wake you up, so he just asked me to tell you that Osai is going to come here for you after the lessons".

So he didn't want to accompany her home after what she said yesterday. [Name] was grateful to him for thinking about that.

"I understand. Thank you", she smiled and gave the thermometer back to the woman. "It's 37. I think it was just a little weakening".

Kuroo's mother checked if what the girl was saying was true and then smiled back.

"I daresay so. So you can wait in Tetsu's room until your friend comes here. Make yourself at home", saying that, she stepped out of the room and closed the door.

What should she do until then?

The girl reached for her phone. There was a message displaying on the screen.

Received at: 7:55
From: Kuroo
Are you feeling better?

She smiled to the phone and started typing

Kuroo was sitting at his desk, waiting for the second lesson when he heard the phone vibrating in his bag.

Received at: 9:02
From: [Name]
Yeah, sorry for the trouble.

Received at: 9:03
From: Kuroo
No problem.
Did you sleep well?

Received: 9:03
From: [Name]
Yes. Did you perhaps visit me in the middle of the night?

Suddenly Kuroo's heart jumped up to the throat. So she wasn't sleeping?

Received: 9:04
From: Kuroo
Yeah, I forgot the pyjamas.

Promise (Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader) Haikyuu!!Where stories live. Discover now