Suho's Pov
There. I could smell Chen's scent.
"I smell him," Lay pointed out right as I thought the same.
We had been following Chen's scent all the way from the motel and leading up to an abandoned building. It took us nearly a minute just to find this place.
It was so dark, we had a hard time detecting movements but luckily our noses were sharp enough to smell out those blood sucking vampires.
They were everywhere, hidden in the shadows, waiting to make their move but something stopped them from making their grand entrance.
It was like they were waiting for something. A signal? Possibly.
But from whom? That was the question.
It didn't matter because all we could think about was getting to Chen, the building was right in front of us but Chen's scent led us to an underground passage just a couple of walk away from the building.
We stared at the door, wondering if we should just barge in or wait it out---but wait for what? We had no idea.
"Do you think we should just go in?" Xiumin broke the silence.
Kris sighed as he rubbed the lower part of his lip, quietly thinking to himself. "It could be a trap. I mean, we all noticed what's going on right? They are watching us but they are not doing anything. Don't you feel weird? About why they are not attacking us?"
"I mean it does feel a little weird--okay a LOT weird but Chen could be down there, are we just gonna leave him?" Said Lay.
Definitely not.
"We're going down there. Once we find Chen, we need to secure a safe route out of this place. Brace yourselves and look out for each other's back, got it?" I locked eyes with the members.
They nodded their heads.
"Let's go." Chanyeol took the lead and went down into the underground passage with us following from behind.
= = =
When my feet touched the ground, the first thing I saw was a long hallway leading to the only door on the other end. A flickering ceiling lamp dangling in the center of the room.
Once everyone had entered the room, we started asking questions.
"What do you supposed is on the other side of that door?" Asked Xiumin as I heard him forcefully swallowed his spit.
I shook my head as a reply then said, "Only one way to find out."
"Keep a look out." Chanyeol reminded us.
Chanyeol's Pov
We took each step as carefully as we can, fearing that we might trigger some sort of trap; could be a flying arrow for all we know.
Suho hold his grip on the door as he looked back at us, "Ready?"
No. We could never be ready. Even though we were strong and have superhuman strength (technically we weren't humans so..) we still get the jitters when we have no idea what kind of situation one of us was in.
If we weren't careful enough, it could lead us to our death and I didn't want that for any of us, I didn't want that for Chen.
"On my count.." Suho raised 3 fingers as he countdown from 1. "1...2...3!"
We charged into the room with our fangs and claws, ready to pounce at any enemies that stood in our way.
But instead, we were greeted with a heart-wrenching scene.
"Chen..." I called, you could hear the tremble in my voice.
How dare they do this to him.
Baekhyun's Pov
"Agh!" I dropped to my knees, it felt like sharp chains tightened themselves around my chest, it was painful.
"Baek! You okay?" Kai ran to my aid when he saw me collapsed to my knees.
Honestly, I wasn't okay because the pain wouldn't stop.
I had this ability where I could sense if one of us were badly hurt, my chest would burn in pain and my whole body would tremble on their own.
A little while later, the pain started to decrease and I was no longer trembling.
"What is it?" Kai asked.
"I felt a pain in my chest."
"Do you think it's Suho and the others?"
"Probably. I hope nothing bad has happened to them."
"I trust Suho, as well as the others. They'll make it back, I'm sure of it." He said that but I could see the insecurities in his eyes, he had no faith in what he just said but I kept that to myself since I didn't want to worry him anymore than he already was.
"Guys.." We turned our heads to Sehun who was looking out the window.
I stood next to him and asked, "What is it?"
D.O came out of the kitchen when he heard the fuss and Kai stood next to him.
"I think we got company.." He backed away from the window, which I followed, but he kept his eyes locked onto whatever he was looking at.
6 figures stepped out of the thick mist and slowly made their way towards us. It didn't take long for us to realized that they were vampires working for the Phantoms.
"What should we do?" I was a little afraid because we were outnumbered and our best fighters were not around.
"We fight." Said Sehun.
"Are you sure? Do you think we even stand a chance?" D.O had uncertainties in his voice.
"I don't know but we must try," Sehun turned around and faced us, "Suho hyung left us in charge of this place so we must protect it at all cost. Are you guys with me?"
The 3 of us exchanged looks before we nodded our heads.
"To the death." Said Kai.
"We can't back out now." D.O seconded.
I smiled at the bond we had, reminiscing a little of the times we were once happy--no bloodthirsty vampires, no Phantoms to worry about--It was just us.
"I'm with you guys till' the end."
Sehun returned the smile but that smile was gone almost immediately. "Let's kill them."

FanfictionGot hired by SM, forced to cut my own hair and become an EXO member. Seems like a dream come true, doesn't it?----NOT. That's not what LIFE has in store for me AT ALL. Copyright©Risiesie™ 2013. Highest Ranking; - #844 in Werewolf Credits to; jeong...