How To Make Friends

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💘Astrid's P.O.V💘

I can't believe I'm actually up so early, just freshen up for today. A quick breakfast and I'm off, supposedly my Mom is dropping me off or Dad if he has time.

"Hey girl!"I greet happily to Stormfly that woke me up earlier.

Normally I have the usual breakfast but today is special I guess, Dad left early.

"So aren't you excited?"Mom ask, as I continue eating the omelette.

"Meh, just a little"I replied.

"Oh sweetie! I can't wait for those grad pictures during Christmas time!"Mom said, happily.

I'm pretty sure I'm excited for that, and I gotta apply for scholarships too. But as for Hiccup I'm guessing he'll have a bunch since he's a academic student much higher than poor Astrid.

Finally at the cafeteria as I waited for the other girls to arrive. Suddenly Ruffnut came with Tuffnut which both of them are very tried.

"Whaddup B##ch"Ruff greets to me rudely.

"Well good morning to you too and I guess Tuff"I said.

"Astrid I'm a zombie, I can't keep my eyes open throughout the entire day Man. First day back to school is gonna be longer and boring"Tuffnut exclaimed, resting his head on the table.

I roll my eyes"just not confident enough to pass this year".

"Heather! What's up"I greet, smiling at the raven girl but she seems so, grumpy.

"Hey"She respond softly.

"You feeling okay?"I ask.

"Yeah....just tired that's all, no need to worried"She put a small calm smile.

I nod"alrighty, Just wondering"

Hiccup's P.O.V

Actually up early in the morning, about to pack up my things, I bought a new backpack and Mom bought supplies I need for this school year. This is my final year of high school and I hope for Thor this will be better.

A lot of things will happen I assume, my relationship with Astrid, being in the honour roll again, chill with my friends, a stalker, select my programs of university or college, and a lot of sh#t to do man.

Finally all ready to head out and enjoy my miserable Monday, I'm curious what scholars they have this year. Luckily my volunteer hours are perfect, and just need seven credits to graduate!

Made it to my destination seeing Berk High again, the same usual stuff wow déjà vu again.

I had to meet with the Principal of what my Dad told me to do Principal is still a little concern about my prosthetic leg again, I mean I'm used of walking around now so there's no problem, but he's considering if me using the elevator in case of anything that happens to me.

C'mon a little exercise wouldn't hurt me, least I can do anything, I can just switch different prosthetics too, thinking of going on a skydiving for some reason, I did it once urging the summer and it was awesome, being up there is just feel so...Freedom.

 My Crush (Hiccstrid)Where stories live. Discover now