An Unexpected "Reunion"

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Walking through the forest feels amazing. Course, I've already done this back in Hoenn, but this time it felt more relaxing because back in Hoenn, on my way back to home after school, I'd always get very anxious because of my mom. But this time, I wasn't heading home, I- we were heading towards Anistar City.

"This forest is so pretty..." I commented, looking around the forest with a smile as I was walking. There were lots of tall trees, obviously, and if you were to look up, you wouldn't see the sun, you would see leaves and the sun peeking in. It was such a beautiful view that I couldn't take my eyes out of.

"You know, out of all the forests we've walked in, this one is definitely the best one." Bonnie commented, also looking up.
"Agree." Serena was looking at the Pokemons that were living on the forest.

After hours and hours of walking, we have finally reached Anistar City. As we stepped in, I accidentally bumped into someone. I nearly stumbled but I managed to keep on my feet with the help of Ash. As he was helping me, I blushed slightly.

After dusting the dirt off my dress, I looked up see the person who accidentally bumped into me. My eyes widened in fear as I saw the person, and the person in front of me was surprised as well, but mostly angry.

Neither of us moved, we were staying on the same position not daring to move an inch. Her eyes was filled with pure anger while mine was filled with great fear. After what seemed like hours of not moving, I finally broke the silence and opened my mouth to say something,


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