A Moment Alone

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(Y/N)'s POV

I was sitting on my bed, happily reading a book, thinking about Flaire's story. She had just said to us about how she survived the fire and I'm still very thankful that she didn't die. Katie and Flaire still missed each other and Katie would constantly cry, but I don't judge her. After all, she nearly lost her sister, who wouldn't cry?

All of a sudden, the door opened and I saw Ash standing on the doorway, a smile planted on his face. I blushed slighty and I smiled back, closing the book I was reading a while ago. I've always had a crush on Ash ever since we met, but I won't tell him...

He sat right next to me and an awkward silence fell among us. Then I realized - we were alone.. together..

My heart started pounding and I felt my cheeks burn. I suddenly thought, should I confess my feelings to him now? I mean, this is the perfect time.. and this is probably my only chance.. but do I have enough courage though? And what if he doesn't like me?

I took a deep breath and said bravely, "I wanna say something,"

He looked at me and asked, "Sure. What is it?"

This is it. Starting from this day forward, my life would either be complete or my heart would break into a million pieces forever.

"Ash.. someone in this Pokemon Center likes you.. and I know who she is.." I said quietly.

He looked at me with a confused face but I kept going.

"She have always loved you ever since the day she met you.."

"She have been wanting to say this for a long time but she's too shy.."

Here we go. The most hardest part. If it's anything, I don't feel fine at all. My heart feels like it's gonna burst out any second now and my cheeks.. I swear they're as red as an apple now. My palms were so cold yet it's so sweaty at the same time.

"Wo- would you believe me.. if that girl... was.." I took another deep breath and closed my eyes shut. "Me....?"

I felt a heavy weight leave me. I felt a little better.. but what would he think? Now that's something to be scared of of..

I opened my eyes slowly and I saw him, his eyes wide but suddenly, they soften. He smiled warmly and said quietly, "Yes, I would.. and, I love you too, (Y/N),"


Hey guys! Meiyla here! So.. just wanna say something real quick! First of all, I'm REALLY sorry it's so short.. again.. I know I said on the last chapter that I'd make it longer.. but.. I didn't.. please don't kill me guys..

The other one, I'm just gonna tell you that the next chapter is the last one. I know you're sad but I really cannot think anymore of what would happen so.. yeah..

See you guys next time!!

don't kill me, please..

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